
Experience of use and perspectives of carbocysteine in respiratory tract pathology treatment
Vertkin A., Knorring G., Shamuilova M.
Possibilities of etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of respiratory viral infections by means of enisamium iodide medicine
Cherenkova O., Goncharova N., Batishcheva G.
Aterixen® (ХС221GI) as an effective and safe remedy for treatment of COVID-19, influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections treatment: review of clinical studies
Kalyuzhin O.
The state of systemic and local immunity in acute nasopharyngitis with ARVI
Savlevich E., Simbirtsev A., Chistyakova G., Terekhina K., Batskalevich N.
Possibilities of acute respiratory viral infections treatment with herbal medicinal products in routine clinical practice
Malyavin A.
Results of observational post-registration study of the efficacy and safety of Trekrezan® medicine use in adult patients with acute respiratory viral infection
Frolova Y., Golanova N., Listradenkova D., Amon E., Malinnikova E.
Features of management of patients with acute respiratory viral infections
Erofeeva S.
Consensus of the experts of the round table «ARVI therapy in adults: traditional concepts and prospects»
Malyavin A., Gorelov A., Esaulenko E., Kalyuzhin O., Shikh E., Babak S., Pchelintsev M.
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