
Clinical case of a comorbid patient with ischemic brain stroke
Kobzeva N., Gelpey M., Zibrova L., Skoropis A., Shchetinkina D.
Risk factors of brain stroke, specific for female individuals
Maksimova M., Ayrapetova A.
Brain stroke as a «mask» of acute myocardial infarction
Plotnikov D., Alifirova V., Antipova S., Romadina N.
Neurorehabilitation after a stroke: what a therapist should know
Shishkova V., Shishkov V.
A case of atherotrombotic variant of ischemic stroke in crohn’s disease patient
Tarasova L., Kucherova N.
Metabolic comorbidity in case of cerebrovascular pathology
Antonova K., Lagoda O., Shishkina T., Tanashyan M.
Phenotypical variability of cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarctions and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL): Description of three cases in one family
Grigorieva V., Nesterova V., Ruina E., Sivograk A., Averina E.
Ischemic stroke in case of atrial fibrillation: influence of previous therapy at the early functional recovery of the patient
Geraskina L., Maksimova M., Fonyakin A., Garabova N., Burzhunova M.
Cognitive disorders in patients during the acute period of coronavirus infection complicated by pneumonia and during the acute period of ischemic stroke: Similarities and differences
Kabysh S., Prokopenko S., Abdullaev M.
Arterial hypertension as a leading cause of intracerebral haemorrhages in young individuals
Rerikh K., Shchepankevich L., Zatynko A., Taneeva E.
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of apixaban use for secondary thromboprophylaxis at outpatient stage among oncological patients
Kasimova A., Kolbin A.
Improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment of a patient who has suffered an ischemic stroke
Kamchatnov P., Prikazchikov S., Osmaeva Z., Chugunov A.
Complicated or uncomplicated hypertension crisis: puzzling aspects of clinical practice
Bursikov A., Valiullina E., Kulikov I.
Efficiency of citicoline in the therapy of cognitive and motor disorders in patients in the early recovery period of stroke
Domashenko M., Sergeev D.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers: focus on cardesartan
Cheltsov V., Gushina Y., Illarioniva T., Korovyakova E., Moiseeva A., Pereversev A., Stefanenko Y., Ziryanov S.
Predicting the risk of development of cerebral stroke in patients in the remote period after myocardial revascularization taking into account renal risk factors
Levitskaya Y., Batyushin M.
Application of Mildronate in patients with comorbidity: focus on cardioneurology
Statsenko M., Turkina S., Tyshchenko I., Fabritskaya S.
Neurological manifestations of post-covid syndrome
Zakharov V., Gromova D.
Stress and its influence at the cardiovascular system
Belyaeva I., Pyokhova Y., Vershinin A.
Ways to optimize the prediction of fatal and nonfatal cases of stroke in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis
Kobzeva N., Martynov A., Terentiev V.
Kokorin V., Boeva O.
New possibilities for personalizing prognosis in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation
Agibova N., Boeva O.
The role of apoptosis-regulating ligand-receptor Fas and TNF-a systems ratios in the ischemic stroke clinical manifestations formation
Sergeeva S., Savin A., Litvitsky P., Savin L., Manasova Z., Dzhumagulova D., Breslavich I.
Directly acting oral anticoagulants in the stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and different concomitant diseases
Yavelov I.
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