Urinary tract infections in outpatient practice



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The most frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) encountered in outpatient practice include asymptomatic bacteriuria, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Treatment of these diseases should be comprehensive and include antibacterial therapy NSAIDs, immunotropic therapy, and phytotherapy. The choice of antibacterial therapy is influenced by the nature of the infection (AB, cystitis, pyelonephritis) and the type of pathogen. During pregnancy, antibacterial drugs of certain groups and in a certain trimester can be used. With the recurrent nature of the infection, immunotropic therapy is indicated. Phytotherapy is used only as a component of complex treatment of UTIs. Choice of a phytopreparation should be based on the presence of pregnancy, urine acidity, and the chemical composition of salts or stones.




Yevgeny Karpov

City polyclinic №6; Ryazan Medical centre "Harmony"

Email: urologkarpov@yandex.ru
PhD, City polyclinic №6; chief doctor of Medical centre «Harmony». Ryazan


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