Liver cirrhosis: modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment



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The lecture presents the classification, clinical picture and course of liver cirrhosis (LC), which includes not only hepatic syndromes of previous chronic liver damage, but portal hypertension (PH) syndrome is the leading one for diagnosis. For the tactics of treatment of cirrhosis and prognosis, it is necessary to identify the stage of the disease, which characterizes compensation, decompensation, and the terminal state. The stratification of stages is determined by the severity of PH and the presence of complications of the disease in the form of refractory ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, bleeding from varicose esophagogastric veins, infectious manifestations, hepatorenal syndrome, hepatic cardiomyopathy, hepatopulmonary syndrome, dilutional hyponatremia, portal vein thrombosis, hypersplenism, ospeoporosis, sarcopenia, hepatocellular carcinoma. The diagnostic criteria for complications and the tactics of their treatment are characterized. General principles of cirrhosis treatment, assessment of cirrhosis prognosis and indications for liver transplantation are given.




Alevtina Shchyokotova

Academician E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Dr. med. habil., professor of the Department of faculty therapy No. 2, occupational pathology and clinical laboratory diagnostics


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