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编号 7-8 (2018)


XIII National congress of therapists: «The partnership between a doctor and a patient is the basis for successful treatment»

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21-23 ноября 2018 г. в Москве в Международном выставочном центре «Крокус-Экспо» состоялся XIII Национальный конгресс терапевтов, прошедший под девизом «Партнерство врача и пациента - основа успеха лечения». Как и остальные мероприятия, проводимые Российским научным медицинским обществом терапевтов в 2018 г., конгресс был приурочен к 120-летию со дня рождения выдающегося советского клинициста и ученого И.А. Кассирского. В общей сложности в работе конгресса приняли участие 6824 специалиста из более чем 500 городов и населенных пунктов 80 регионов России и 24 стран мира.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract diseases: the problem of resistance and new approaches to asthma and COPD management (according to materials from the symposium of the XIII National Congress ofphysicians)

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Сложности рационального применения антибактериальных средств, совершенствование терапии жизненно важных пульмонологических заболеваний относятся и еще долго будут относиться к числу наиболее острых медицинских тем. Поэтому вполне объяснимо, что среди многообразных семинаров в рамках XIII Национального конгресса терапевтов большое внимание гостей привлек симпозиум «Лечение заболеваний нижних и верхних дыхательных путей: проблема резистентности и новые подходы в лечении астмы и ХОБЛ», организованный компанией ГлаксоСмитКляйн (GSK).
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):8-11
pages 8-11 views

Therapy olympiad as an educational technology and element of the educational process in medical university

Ponomareva E., Dorogoykina K., Safarova K., Rebrov A.


The article presents the experience of organizing and performing a thematic olympiad in therapy at a medical university among senior students and clinical residents. The possibilities of the olympiad in higher medical school are introduced, olympiad is shown as a modern educational technology, contributing to the creation of an educational environment, increasing the interest of participants in the taught discipline and motivation for professional growth, the development of professional and cultural competencies, the development of erudition and clinical thinking. Therapy olympiad contributes to the improvement of students and clinical residents in their chosen profession, the formation of a personnel reserve for in medical and research teams working, continuity in higher medical school and the harmonious development personality of future professionals' personality.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Andrey Ivanovich Vorobyov is 90!

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Therapy. 2018;(7-8):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Personalized preventive medicine and neurology

Pilipovich A., Danilov A.


The progression of many prevalent non-infectious diseases is associated with a complex interaction of many factors (including environmental factors and the internal body factors) at various levels, including genetic one. In neurology, this deals with all neurodegenerative diseases, the etiology and pathogenesis of which remain not fully understood - Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other degenerative pathology. Moreover, that is true for cerebrovascular, demyelinating and other non-infectious diseases of the nervous system. In «gene-environment» studies, the focus is put on risk factors identification that cannot be detected using conventional epidemiological methods, as a rule, excluding accurate prognostications. Specific risk factors can only be identified after a detailed analysis of the interactions between all the components. For the moment, promising results have been obtained in a number of cohort studies, but they are not still enough to develop accurate personalized preventive medicine. Large-scale long-term studies are required to find useful practical provement for the development of preventive medicine.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Basis of propaedeutics of nervous diseases

Korzhavina V.


In the last decade, the initiation of interdisciplinary medicine has been taking place in order to study the borderline forms of pathology staying at the borderline of somatic and neurological disorders. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the knowledge and practical skills of doctors for the early detection of neurological disease and the prescription of timely treatment. The proposed article reflects the basic principles of neurological examination.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):25-31
pages 25-31 views

Management of a patient with back pain in general medical practice

Vorobyova O.


Patients with back pain is one of the most numerous categories in primary care chain. The main purpose of their clinical examination is to identify, on the one hand, the cases with symptomatic pain, and on the other, patients with a high probability of serious pathologies (vertebral fracture, malignancy, etc.), which may require additional diagnostic measures and special treatment. Fast recognition of radicular pain and knowledge of predictors of chronic pain syndrome are very important for the adequate management of patients with pain in general medical practice. Aims of the therapy include reduction of pain symptoms, increasing of moving activity, and influence at distress associated with pain syndrome persistence.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):32-37
pages 32-37 views

Fibromyalgia: principles of diagnostics and complex therapy

Danilov A.


The review presents data on the etiology and pathogenesis of fibromyalgia, its clinical manifestations, current diagnostic criteria and recommendations for therapy based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. In the section, devoted to the treatment of the disease, both non-drug and drug methods with a high degree of evidence are considered in details. The proven effectiveness of multidisciplinary therapeutic programs suggests that the combination of medicamentous treatment, physical exercises and cognitive-behavioral component is the method of choice for treating all patients with fibromyalgia.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):38-46
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Pain syndrome in case of Parkinson’s disease

Pilipovich A.


Along with motor symptoms, Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by a number of non-motor manifestations, among which pain is the most frequent and maladaptive one. From 40 to 80% of PD patients suffer from different types of pain. The most common in this disease are musculoskeletal pains, but in addition to them could be noted such pains as dystonic, neuropathic, central pain, and akathisia. Pain syndrome has a large negative impact on the general condition of the patient, his quality of life and requires a separate approach to diagnosis and therapy. The article describes the etiological and pathogenetic aspects of pain in PD case, its classification and treatment principles.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Possibilities of the analgesic action of botulinum therapy in clinical practice

Orlova O., Alekseeva A., Konovalova Z., Kostenko E., Krasavina D., Mingazova L., Soykher M.


The article deals with the problem of pain syndromes in various neurological disorders: cervical dystonia, chronic migraine, myofascial pain syndrome, bruxism. It contains the data of clinical studies, as well as systematic reviews, justifying the effectiveness and safety of botulinum therapy for these diseases and conditions. Data on the antinociceptive action of type A botulinum neuroprotein are introduced, and new areas of its clinical application are indicated.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Contemporary viewpoint at vegetative dystonia syndrome

Dyukova G.


Such a diffused condition as vegetative dystonia syndrome (SVD) is one of the most frequent diagnoses in Russian neurological practice. Last years, not only significant terminological and classification changes relating to SVD have occurred in the world, but the principles of making this diagnosis have changed: the «positive diagnosis» has replaced the «diagnosis of exclusion». «Positive diagnosis» is based on 4 criteria - stressing somatic symptoms, emotional affective component, inadequate thoughts, behavior changes. Combined therapy of SVD should be aimed not only at the relief of the leading symptom / syndrome and the influence at cognitive, emotional, behavioral disorders, but also at the prevention of recurrence and further progression of the disease.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Modern approach to the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders

Korabelnikova E.


Article contains the characteristics of anxiety disorders from the standpoint of etiopathogenesis, classification, clinical features, pathomorphosis. The etiopathogenetic correlation between somatic diseases and anxiety disorders is shown. The necessity of complex approach to the treatment of anxiety disorders, which, in parallel with appropriate pharmacotherapy, includes a wide range of psychotherapeutic, physiotherapeutic and social rehabilitation measures, is grounded.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):63-68
pages 63-68 views

Use of innovation technology in rheumatoid arthritis patients curation

Bagirova G., Lygina E., Yakushin S., Kozminskaya M.


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of managing patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) while using the «Internet portal for self-monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis activity». Material and methods. The main group included 50 females with RA diagnosis at an average age of 56.3 years (35; 76). The control group consisted of 20 patients having treatment in real clinical practice. They were comparable to the main group by their clinical and demographic parameters and the degree of disease activity at the time of inclusion in the study. Previously patients were trained according to the "Structured training program for RA patients in independent monitoring of disease activity" methodology. The patient monthly makes a self-assessment of the disease activity and transmits information to his doctor by remote way. If the course of the disease is getting worse and there is no positive dynamics, according to the patient, he is invited to the center, where this information is verified by a doctor. If, by the opinion of the patient, improvement is observed, then he does not come to visit the doctor, but continues the recommended therapy. Results. For these 12 months of observation, 50 persons were examined and received treatment recommendations. It is noted the positive dynamics of RA development: the average value of the DAS28 disease activity index at the time of inclusion and after 6 months of observation is 4,023 (2.70; 5.78) and 1.59 (0.56; 4.37) (Wilcoxon T-test = 6). 8 (16%) patients at the time of inclusion in the study had 1st degree of RA activity, 38 (76%) - 2nd degree, 4 (8%) - 3rd degree. On the 12th visit, 13 (26%) patients reached the 1st degree of RA activity, 34 (68%) patients achieved remission (DAS28 <2.6). Conclusion. Monitoring of patients through the "Internet portal of self-monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis activity" allows you to quickly identify an exacerbation of the disease and timely enhance the current therapy, which leads to a more rapid achievement of remission or decrease the disease activity.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):70-76
pages 70-76 views

Vascular parkinsonism in outpatient practice

Shindryaeva N., Dmitrievich E., Tyazhelnikov A., Sorokina E.


Vascular parkinsonism (VP) refers to secondary parkinsonism: it develops with the damage of subcorticat nuclei, white substance of the deeper regions of brain hemispheres and is more common in older age group individuals. In our country overdiagnosis of vascular parkinsonism is often taking place, because neurologists have a strong conviction that parkinsonism has vascular genesis. The difficulty of vascular parkinsonism diagnosing is associated with insufficiently developed criteria of diagnostics, as well as the medical care organization imperfection. Incorrect diagnosis leads to non-compliance with treatment standards. The aim of the study is to identify clinical signs causing diagnostical errors of vascular parkinsonism, also estimation of the quality of outpatient care for patients. Material and methods. In the course of the study, 162 patients with movement disorders with various neurological diagnoses were examined for the period from 01/16/2016 to 06/31/2018. Results. The diagnosis of vascular parkinsonism was established in 34 (21%) cases; in 128 (79%) patients the diagnosis is worked out in details. Common errors in the curation of patients with vascular parkinsonism include: overdiagnosis, irrational prescription of levodopa, unreasonable use of vasoactive and nootropic medicaments, hospitalizations. Conclusion. The results can serve as a provement for the organization and performing of educational programs for primary care physicians on the issues of rational diagnosis and treatment of vascular parkinsonism.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Peculiarities of chronic pain syndrome in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

Filatov E., Erdes S.


Signs of central sensitization in the form of neuropathic pain descriptors were identified in various rheumatological diseases: fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. At the same time, interdisciplinary studies in ankylosing spondylitis are still having identity character. The purpose of the study is to identify neuropathic descriptors in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and their connection with the disease. Material and methods. The study involved 150 patients with AS. Rheumatological status (disease activity and functional disorders according to BASDAI, BASFI and BASMI indexes), neurological status, pain intensity according to the visual analogue scale (VAS), neuropathic pain questionnaires (DN4, Pain DETECT), emotional-affective sphere estimation (HADS) ) and assessment of life quality of patients according to the questionnaire EQ-5D were estimated. Results. The neuropathic component of pain (NCP) was determined in 13% (n = 19) of patients with DN4 s 4 and in 20% (30 people) with Pain DETECT. The group of patients with DN4 s 4 had more intense pain on the VAS scale (6.01 ± 1.91 vs 4.39 ± 2.05, p = 0.001), significantly higher disease activity (BASDAI 6.74 ± 1.61 vs 4.67 ± 2.17, p = 0.002) and functional disorders (BASFI 5.84 ± 2.27 vs 3.83 ± 2.78, p = 0.02), with a higher anxiety (10.69 ± 1, 97 vs 5.94 ± 3.53, p = 0.001) and depression (7.54 ± 4.12 vs 4.31 ± 2.28, p = 0.001). However, current neurological examination revealed no damage of the somatosensory nervous system. Conclusions. The identification of neuropathic pain descriptors in a number of AS patients in the absence of neurological disorders allows to discuss the involvement of central sensitization in the pain pathogenesis.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):82-88
pages 82-88 views

Comparative efficiency of intrasynovial injections of sodium hyaluronate in combination with chondroitin sulfate and oral symptomatic slow-acting medicaments in patients with primary and post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis

Udovika M.


Scientific data of recent years confirm the efficacy of intraarticular injection of hyaluronic acid-based medicines in the treatment of primary and post-traumatic osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee joints (KJ). A number of clinical studies, including randomized ones, have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate (GN). However, large-scale controlled clinical trials to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of GN in combination with chondroitin sulfate (CS) for intraarticular administration were not performed. Purpose of the study. Evaluation of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of intra-articular injections of the combined GN medicine and cholesterol in patients with primary and post-traumatic OA of KJ. Material and methods. The open controlled randomized single-center clinical trial included 142 patients with primary and / or post-traumatic OA of KJ. They were randomized into 2 groups using random numbers. The first (main) group included 72 patients who were on outpatient treatment and received a single intra-articular injection of the combined GN medicament and chondroitin sulfate (60/90 mg in a prefilled syringe of 3 ml) into the knee joint cavity. The comparison (control) group included 70 patients who received only the oral form of a symptomatic slow-acting medicine (chondroitin sulfate 1000 mg/ day) for 6 months. Results. When analyzing the total efficacy within 6 months after a single intrasynovial injection of GN in combination with chondroitin sulfate, an improvement or significant improvement was observed in 89% of patients of the 1st group. In the 2nd group, this figure was only 69%. In the 1st group, pain reduction was significantly more fixed on the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the total WOMAC index. Conclusion. GN in combination with chondroitin sulfate for intrasynovial injections is an effective and safe medicine for knee joint OA treatment. The medicine has excellent tolerability. A single intraarticular injection of it reliably reduces pain, morning stiffness and improves the functional activity of the joints for 6 months.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):89-95
pages 89-95 views

Functional condition of platelets and blood rheology in patients with chronic heart failure with cardiopulmonary pathology

Evdokimov V., Kovalenko E., Evdokimova A., Klevtsova N., Yushchuk E., Tebloev K.


According to the opinion of some authors, the combination of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) leads to the syndrome of mutual complication and requires a special approach to the treatment of this cardiopulmonary pathology, the final stage of which is the development of chronic heart failure (CHF). The purpose of the study is to estimate the clinical status, quality of life, changes in platelet chain of hemostasis and blood rheological properties in case of CHF II-III functional class (FC) in ischemic heart disease patients in combination with COPD II-III degree and the possibility of their correction. Material and methods. 158 patients were examined - 128 (78,8%) men and 30 (21,2%) women. Patients of the 1st group received enalapril and nebivolol in addition to the baseline therapy, patients of the 2nd group received nebivolol and losartan, patients of the 3rd group received standard CHF therapy without nebivolol addition. Results. In patients of all groups, on the phone of the combined therapy, one could see an improvement in the clinical course of the disease, quality of life, which was expressed in decrease of FC CHF, degree of dyspnea, increase of exercise tolerance and life quality improvement. At the same time, in the 1st and 2nd groups there was a significantly more expressed decrease in the frequency (-47.1% and -46.9% against -29.9%) and the total duration (-45.2% and -47.1 % vs. -34.8%) of ischemia episodes compared with the control group. Also, by the end of the observation, there was a significant decrease in platelet aggregation activity in all groups, which was more expressed in the first and second groups. Conclusion. In patients with CHF of ischemic genesis in combination with COPD stage II-III, the intake of nebivolol in combination with enalapril or losartan in equally doses improves the quality of life, increases exercise tolerance, reduces the frequency and duration of painless ischemia, leads to normalization of the daily blood pressure profile, improves platelet aggregation activity, blood rheological properties and lipid metabolism.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):96-105
pages 96-105 views

Monitoring of the quality of thrombolytic therapy in case of acute coronary syndrome at pre-hospital stage

Khusainova D., Kholkin I., Sokolova L.


The purpose of the study is to assess the quality of thrombolytic therapy (TLT) in acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation (OCCPST) at prehospital stage over 5 years dynamics. Material and methods. A retrospective study of patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation who applied for emergency medical care (SMP) at the ambulance station municipal budgetary institution of Yekaterinburg and received TLT with tenecteplase medicine at pre-hospital stage during 2013-2017 was made. Study group included 753 persons, the average age of patients was 57.3 ± 11.8 years. All acute coronary syndrome patients with ST-segment elevation were hospitalized in specialized hospitals with round-clock possibility of invasive treatment methods, each patient got medical aid according to the existing standards of the emergency medical system, clinical protocols and the professional standard "Ambulance physician". The quality of prehospital TLT was determined by a patented method that includes a complex estimation of such indexes as rationality, effectiveness, safety, timeliness of therapy, legal correctness of filling in documentation, accessibility, qualifications of medical personnel and patient satisfaction. Results. All indicators of TLT in case of acute coronary syndrome at pre-hospital stage have improved over the years of observation, due to the accumulated experience of the ambulance doctors and educational activities, as well as due to the appearance of emergence standards and clinical protocols (recommendations) for providing the emergency medical care to the population. Conclusion. The proposed by the authors indicators of prehospital TLT quality in case of acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation can be taken as a basis for estimation the prehospital thrombolysis quality by an expert of any level.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):106-110
pages 106-110 views

New possibilities of uratedecreasing therapy in patients with arthrolithiasis

Petrova M., Musiichuk M., Inamova O., Mazurov V.


Febuxostat is a newly appeared on the Russian pharmaceutical market arthrifuge remedy; it is nonpurine, selective inhibitor of isoforms of xanthineoxidoreductase (XOR), its action is aimed at the reduction of uric acid (UA) level in blood serum. The pharmacokinetic properties of febuxostat do not depend on renal clearance, which differs it from allopurinol and could be considered to be an advantage in the treatment of chronic renal disease patients. In a row of research studies, a further evaluation of the safety of febuxostat relatively to the cardiovascular system is performed, as well as its positive impact on the preservation of kidney function. Febuxostat more significantly suppresses XOR than allopurinol, which is confirmed by more frequent achievement of the target UA level, especially in patients with a high concentration of urates in blood serum. It is also important that elderly patients do not require the correction of febuxostat dose.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):111-118
pages 111-118 views

Primary immune deficiency disease in adults. Preferential disturbance of antibody synthesis

Latysheva E.


The problem of primary immunodeficiency (PID) in adults becomes more and more important in recent years, as the number of such kind of patients over 18 years of age has been steadily increasing; the number of them amounts to 30-40% of PID registers in different countries. Due to low awareness of this group of diseases, they are characterized by low detectability and late diagnosis. The article discusses the most common forms of PID which are character for persons over 18 years old, also the actual aspects of clinic, diagnosis and treatment are represented.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):119-124
pages 119-124 views

Actual issues of interferonotherapy

Blokhin B., Prokhorova A., Suyundukova A.


One of the main links in immunoregulation is the interferon system (IFN). It includes the mechanisms of innate and adaptive immune response, is the first line of defense against viral and other intracellular infections, and it's involved in maintaining the homeostasis of the body. The therapeutic potential of interferon preparations is currently under special attention. The data of various studies cited in this article confirm the need to form clear indications for prescribing this group of drugs. It is important for clinicians to evaluate the clinical risks and benefits of administering interferon therapy.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):125-132
pages 125-132 views

Sharpe’s syndrome. Difficulties in diagnosis

Vardanyan A., Gordeev I., Soboleva V., Volov N., Mashukova Y., Bezdolnova E., Rymberg V., Ramazanova E., Nazaryan A.


A modern doctor faces a huge number of similar or overlapping sympthoms and syndromes that comprise a disease pattern and need a thorough differential-diagnostic approach while diagnosis verification. In this connection a mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) takes pride of place. Sharp's syndrome is an autoimmune mixed connective tissue disease which is characterized by the presence of separate symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis (SSc), polymyositis (PM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), in combination with a high titer of anti-U 1 ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibodies. As a rule the prognosis of Sharp's syndrome is favourable and a clinical remission is possible. However the presence of pulmonary hypertension, renal damage and severe Raynaud's syndrome causes worse prognosis, which is described in the below mentioned clinical event.
Therapy. 2018;(7-8):133-138
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