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卷 10, 编号 2 (2023)


Food security as an element of state's national security

Stolyarova A., Shamray-Kurbatova L., Darelina O., Chumakova E.


The sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation have led to a close interest in the topic of this article. The existing approaches to the definition of food security are systematized. The authors' definition of food security is given. It reflects the specifics and abundance of influencing factors.The analysis of approaches to the definition of food security is carried out through the prism of chronology and documenting this category, starting with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) to the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2020) and the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation (2021). The development of the concept of food security has been changing; to a greater extent it fas been adapting to the challenges and demands of the time.The dynamics of the development of the meaning and content of food security is considered through the prism of historical, retrospective development. A conclusion about the enrichment of the economic content of this concept is made.The components of food security, criteria of world food security and approaches to the classification of food security are systematized. The comparison of the strategic objectives of food security and the definitions of food security in the doctrines of food security of the Russian Federation in 2010 and 2020 is carried out. Conclusions about their differences are drawn.When conducting a comparative characterization of food security, the authors' formulation of the definition is proposed. It allows reflecting all modern aspects of the impact on food security.The article will be of interest to students of the Economic Security Programme, students of the departments of retraining and professional development in economics.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):219-236
pages 219-236 views

Institutional problems in food economic accessibility amidst new global challenges

Reshetnikova E.


A systematic assessment of food consumption amidst two new global challenges is given. The main problems of the dominant trends of economic theory are shown: the need to transform the goal of economic development, the revision of economic rationality as the main criterion and the expansion of the principle of methodological individualism. The current situation in the field of food consumption requires the development and implementation of a set of institutional measures aimed at increasing real incomes of the population, increasing effective demand, overcoming food poverty, mitigating interregional and intraregional differentiation of the most important social parameters. A set of social innovations aimed at solving institutional problems in the field of food economic accessibility in modern conditions is proposed. Food poverty and food insecurity, the lack of economic accessibility of many basic foodstuffs for a significant part of the population with low incomes indicates the need for a consistent increase in the subsistence minimum and minimum wage and tax exemption for the population with minimum incomes. The formation of the state program of domestic food aid as a way to support low-income groups of the population and national food producers is becoming increasingly relevant. Based on the principle of continuity of strategic planning, it is advisable to clarify the provisions of the Concept taking into account modern realities in the form of new global challenges.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):237-246
pages 237-246 views

Food security of the Russian population in the face of new challenges and constraints

Yakovenko N., Ivanenko I.


To solve the problem of food security of the Russian population, it is necessary to adapt the national food system to new global challenges. In the conditions of dynamically changing external and internal factors, transformation of food systems should be based on national priorities. The provision of food to the population in accordance with rational consumption standards based on the sustainable development of the agri-food complex is the main national priority. The article discusses theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the concept of the food system sustainability and various methods of its measurement. Assessment of the food system sustainability from the point of view of national food security involves a priority study of the dynamics and structure of the food supply. The analysis of changes in the production and consumption of basic foodstuffs in the Russian Federation was carried out over two periods: pre-sanctions (2007-2013) and under the conditions of sanctions pressure and food embargo (from 2014 to the present). Positive dynamics of growth and improvement of the structure of consumption of basic foodstuffs were revealed. In the first period, the sustainability of consumption of a number of food products was supported by imports. The second period is characterized by a significant increase in the share of domestic production in food resources. The necessity of transition to qualitative criteria for assessing food security on the basis of sustainable development of the agri-food complex of the country is substantiated.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):247-262
pages 247-262 views

Price management in a mobilization economy in the context of socio-economic and food security: historical experience

Lev M.


The article examines the historical experience of the initial period of mobilization application of various types of retail prices: state list prices, free prices of the collective farm market, commercial (increased) prices of state trade and consumer prices. Based on the formation of prices during the war period of 1941-1945, the analysis of the dynamics and impact of prices on the socio-economic stability and security of the state, the purchasing power of certain types of goods, taking into account the current wages of the population, was carried out.The normative documents on the introduction of ration cards at various stages of the war in state and commercial trade are studied.A comprehensive critical analysis of the application of prices in various segments of the commodity market during the mobilization of 1941-1945 when ration cards had been used was carried out. Retail turnover prices and price indices of state and cooperative trade for basic foodstuffs are considered and analyzed. The analysis of the number of issued food cards for compliance with the actual population revealed their significant discrepancy in the first two years of the war.The results of the study may be in demand in legislative and executive authorities in the formation of pricing policy amidst the mobilization economy at the present stage.FUNDING. The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):263-286
pages 263-286 views

Global and Russian grain market: trends and prospects assessment

Shalaeva L.


Modern macroeconomic shocks have had a significant impact on the world grain market, in particular wheat. This determines both opportunities and risks for Russia as the main supplier of grain to the world market. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the formation and consumption of grain resources to clarify Russia's position on the world grain market. The actual data for 2017-2021 and preliminary estimates, forecasts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and of the Institute of Agricultural Market Conjuncture for 2022-2023 were used as the information base. The main trends of the grain market and Russia's position as the main supplier of grain to the world market are outlined. The results of the study are of practical importance for optimizing the development strategy of the Russian grain complex and grain export policy, including wheat.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):287-302
pages 287-302 views

Organic agriculture: opportunities and prospects for exporting products

Khayrullina O.


The article analyzes the global and domestic market of organic agricultural products. Based on a retrospective analysis, the author determined the current state and possibilities of production and consumption of organic products. By grouping, key exporters, their shares in the structure of trade turnover and the largest consumers of this market segment were identified. Depending on demand, the commodity nomenclature is established. An assessment of the opportunities and prospects for the development of the domestic organic market from the standpoint of supply and demand is presented. Measures for the development of exports of organic products are proposed. In the future, this will allow to increase the income of Russian agricultural companies. The article will be of interest to scientists, specialists in the field of exports of agricultural products.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):303-318
pages 303-318 views

Trends in agricultural marketing

Kabanenko M., Kabanenko A.


Agriculture is slower to adapt to the business environment due to a number of specific features of the industry, in particular agrobiological factors, demand low elasticity, production seasonality. This requires the search for effective tools to flexibly adapt the capabilities of the enterprise to market requirements. It is the introduction of a marketing approach into the practical activities of agricultural producers that will ensure a more rapid adaptation to the market environment and ensure competitiveness and sustainable development. Foreign experience and domestic practice show that marketing is an important component of agricultural enterprises with their market orientation, which provides wider opportunities for their development. However, the introduction and application of the marketing concept among agricultural producers is very slow. Therefore, the problem of the development of marketing activities in the current economic conditions is extremely relevant.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):319-330
pages 319-330 views

Strengthening internal inventory control using the Internet of Things in agribusiness

Minigulova Z., Khalitova A.


Grain husbandry is a large and important sub–sector of agriculture, which forms the basis of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. Despite the fact that grain production is growing, one of the important problems for Russia is the country's unwillingness to compete with the leading grain exporting countries in terms of development and introduction of new agricultural technology. Such technology will reduce the influence of the human factor, thereby strengthening internal control in the agribusiness. This problem was considered on the example of JSC Ermolaevsky Bread. Based on the assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system of material and production stocks, shortcomings were identified. The authors proposed to strengthen the internal control system of grain by introducing humidity sensors based on the Internet of Things technology. This equipment is designed to reduce losses by approximately 25%. This reduces the natural loss to within the standards.This, in turn, will lead to a reduction in cost and an increase in the company's profitability. The implementation of the proposed recommendation at JSC Ermolaevsky Bread is justified. This is confirmed by the assessment of the economic efficiency of the new equipment introduction.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):331-344
pages 331-344 views

Contemporary state and territorial location of the food and processing industry in the Omsk region

Kuznetsova N., Zinich L., Astashova E.


Ensuring the food security of the region is one of the directions of its sustainable development. Amidst world economy turbulence and unstable political situation, the development of the regional food and processing industry is of particular importance. The solution of the problem of providing the population with food, and agricultural producers with an affordable market for their products serve as the basis for a deep and comprehensive analysis, evaluation and placement of processing enterprises.The authors of the article carried out a study of the current situation in the food industry of the Omsk region.The results of the analysis and assessment of the e food and processing industry are necessary for public administration in order to properly navigate the current situation, develop appropriate economic policies aimed at improving the efficiency of the agricultural sector of the region's economy, scientists and practitioners involved in the development of regional industrial complexes in modern conditions.FUNDING: The study was carried out within the framework of the assignment of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Contract No. 8-2022 of 12.05.2022).
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):345-358
pages 345-358 views

Modern trends in the development of the agricultural and food market of the Luhansk People's Republic

Bondarchuk A., Chebotareva E., Deryugina Elena Yuryevna .


The agrofood market is the guarantee of food security of the state and the basis of balanced nutrition of citizens. For eight years, the participants of the agrofood market in the Luhansk People's Republic faced the problem of finding rational ways to improve the efficiency of the agricultural sector. The article examines the coefficient of satisfaction of needs and the coefficient of saturation of demand for goods of the agrofood market in the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics in comparison with the indicators of the Rostov region. The differentiation of retail prices for products of the agrofood market of the Luhansk People's Republic is analyzed; the consumption of agrofood products per capita in these regions is compared. Attention is paid to the level of self-sufficiency in the main products of the agrofood market and the production and consumption of the main products of the agrofood market per capita. The structure of imported products of the agrofood market in their total production volume has been studied.
Food Policy and Security. 2023;10(2):359-375
pages 359-375 views