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The authors collected and summarized the materials of floral research in the period from 2008 to 2019. The Tuzla accumulative system is a unique formation from the point of view of biodiversity. On a small area of land, psammophytic, littoral, steppe, meadow, salt marsh, swamp and water vegetation types are noted. The article presents the results of the syntaxonomy of tree and shrub vegetation, the least represented on the island and absent on the spit. A new association of Lactuco tataricae-Elaeagnetum angustifoliae, whose communities stretch from northwest to southeast along the center of the island, is described. Two subassociations are characterized in its composition: Lactuco tataricae-Elaeagnetum angustifoliae juncetosum maritimae, Lactuco tataricae-Elaeagnetum angustifoliae artemisetum arenariae. The communities of the first group occupy depressions in the relief, wet habitats, the second one – elevations of a sandy-shell beach. Due to significant changes in the syntaxonomy of coastal communities in recent years, changes in the syntaxonomic position of these syntaxons are possible, additional studies of the surrounding territories and nearby coasts are needed. A comparative analysis of the new syntaxons with the previously described ones and ordination were carried out. The ordination allowed us to note the ecological differences of the studied communities, and also confirmed our syntaxonomic solutions. In addition to the classification, information about the current state of vegetation is provided. Currently, it has been greatly transformed, but many unique communities have been preserved. The described communities include 13 rare plant species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea. The new syntaxons have a high environmental significance.

About the authors

T. A Sokolova

Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

O. Yu Ermolaeva

Southern Federal University

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

V. P Kolomiychuk

A.V. Fomin Botanical Garden of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Kiev, Ukraine


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