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The article presents the results of the research of taxonomic composition and level of quantitative development of phytoplankton on the Northeastern Black Sea shelf, Utrish region in different seasons of 2015–2019. One hundred and nine species of phytoplankton belonging to 7 divisions were found. The greatest species diversity was observed among dinophytes (57 species) and diatoms (38 species). The average values of quantitative development of planktonic algae in the study period were 2156 thousand cells/l and 126 mg/m3. The lowest values of abundance (9.3 thousand cells/l) were marked in June 2015. The highest values (4566–6644 thousand cells/l) were found in the autumn period of 2016–2017. In May-June 2017, the phytoplankton abundance (660–757 thousand cells/l) were ten times less than the maximum values. Relatively high biomass values (127–240 mg/m3) were observed in the spring and summer (May, June) of 2015 and 2017. The values of phytoplankton biomass in the autumn season (September-November) 2016–2017 (32–55 mg/m3) were the lowest for the entire study period. To the greatest extent, this was facilitated by the development of small-cell phytoplankton species. Diatoms were the dominant division of algae: on average, they made up 40 (12–99) % of the total population and 34 (7–74) % of the biomass. Dinophytes formed 24 (0.7–85) % of the total population and a significant part of 51 (24–89) % of the phytoplankton biomass. The maximum development of Emiliania huxleyi was observed in the spring-summer period of 2017, when it accounted from 42 to 71 % of total abundance and 26 to 52 % of the phytoplankton biomass.

About the authors

O. N Yasakova

Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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