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The data on the phytocenotic diversity of communities with Daphne laureola in native – in Europe, Southwest Asia, North Africa and the Mediterranean region, as well as data on the distribution and naturalization of the species in Eurasia, North America, Australia, New Zealand are presented. Daphne laureola has the status of a naturalized and invasive species in many regions, as it is found both in anthropogenic disturbed and in natural communities. Naturalized plants in the Mountainous Crimea are observed at an altitude of 50 to 650 m above sea level in the forest and forest-park communities, belonging to three classes (Quercetea pubescentis, Erico-Pinetea, Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae) according to the classification of Braun-Blanquet. On the Southern Coast of Crimea Daphne laureola is an invasive species with status 2, since it selfregenerates not only in forest-park communities, which are close in composition to communities of the order Querco-Cedretalia atlanticae, but in semi-natural and natural forest communities belonging to two classes of vegetation. In Protected Areas of the Southern Coast (in the “Yalta Mountain Forest” Nature Reserve and the “Cape Martyan” Nature Park), the species prefers mixed forests belonging to the classes Quercetea pubescentis, Erico-Pinetea. The largest cenopopulations in terms of number and completeness were found in the middle forest belt at an altitude of 300–400 m above sea level in the Crimean pine-hornbeam-oak and oak-hornbeamcornel forests with Juniperus deltoides of the Pinion pallasianae, in which the cover of Daphne laureola reaches 30–50 %. In the lower forest belt, up to an altitude of 250 m above sea level Daphne laureola plants with the cover of 10–30 % are observed mainly along the bottoms of ravines, ravines in the sub-Mediterranean hemixerophilous downy oak-hornbeam communities, including Juniperus excelsa, J. deltoides, belonging to the Carpino orientalis-Quercion pubescentis.


N. Bagrikova

Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: nbagrik@mail.ru
Yalta, Russian Federation

Z. Bondarenko

Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Yalta, Russian Federation

O. Reznikov

Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Yalta, Russian Federation


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