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The results of field experiments conducted in 2012–2022 to improve the quality of habitat and conservation of Anseriformes birds in the Western Manych are summarized in the publication. The studies were carried out in the area of the Veselovsky Reservoir, wetland of international importance. This reservoir is one of the most significant water bodies on the migration route of anseriformes. Factors influencing the state of habitats: climate and anthropogenic factors are considered. In 2000−2021 climatic conditions have become favorable for anseriformes in general, but extreme weather events affect their populations. The impact of such negative anthropogenic factors as disturbance, habitat transformation, and changes in agricultural technologies is growing. This leads to a decrease in the ecological capacity of the territory for anseriformes. The results of the mallard Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus, 1758 reintroduction experiment, which made it possible to reduce the hunting pressure on the wild population of this species and stabilize its numbers, are discussed. Two plots with similar ecological conditions and different levels of anthropogenic impact were selected for experimental assessment of the influence of the disturbance factor on birds. It was found that in the area with a lower level of disturbance, large concentrations of some species of anseriformes, in particular mute swan Cygnus olor (Gmelin, 1789), shelduck Tadorna tadorna (Linnaeus, 1758), mallard and common teal Spatula querquedula (Linnaeus, 1758) are formed. The red-headed pochard Aythya ferina (Linnaeus, 1758) was more often recorded on the lake with a low level of disturbance, although its larger flocks stayed in the area with increased load. Mallards have been shown to make fewer breeding attempts in areas with high levels of disturbance, and they are less successful. From this it follows that the creation of protected zones in areas of concentration of breeding birds or those stopping during migration is a necessary element of the protection of Anseriformes. In an experiment on fixing the mallard for breeding in pessimal habitats, it was shown that the artificial improvement of the protective conditions of the nesting habitats and the feeding capacity of the biotope makes it possible to attract birds for nesting. Feeding conditions in the presence of safe open water spaces for roosting during the preparation of anseriformes for migration and at migration stops are a critical factor. The results of a large-scale field experiment with the organization of feeding fields for anseriformes, which made it possible to significantly increase the ecological capacity of the territory north of the Veselovsky Reservoir, are described. The concentration of mallard, ruddy shelduck Tadorna ferruginea (Pallas, 1764), greylag Anser anser (Linnaeus, 1758) and white-fronted geese A. albifrons (Scopoli, 1769) in the fodder fields has increased. The red-breasted goose Branta ruficollis (Pallas, 1769) appeared. The maximum concentration of these species in autumn 2021 was 130.000 individuals. The results of the territorial distribution of geese tagged with GPSGSM transmitters (ECOTONE) are presented to prove the effectiveness of habitat improvement.

About the authors

N. V Lebedeva

Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: lebedeva@mmbi.info
Murmansk, Russian Federation


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