Editorial Team


Burov, Vitaly - Head of the Department of economic theory and world economy, Director of the Higher school of Economics and entrepreneurship, Transbaikal State University (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]


Fedotov, Dmitry - professor, Department of international affairs and customs, Baikal State University (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Pomulev, Alexander - associate professor, Department of corporate finance and corporate governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia) [RSCI]

Editorial board

Dondokova, Elena - head of the Department International law and foreign affairs" of the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Ermakova, Elena - Professor of the Department of Finance and Banking of Saratov State Technical University n.a. Gagarin Yu.A. (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Gladkikh, Viktor - Chief Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Business Security" (Russia) [RSCI]

Gorokhova, Anna - professor of the Department «Economics and organization» of Moscow Polytechnic University (Russia) [RSCI], [ORCID]

Khudaynazarov, Ashurali - consultant to UNDP and ADB in socio-economic policy, associate professor at the Singapore Institute for Management Development, PhD (Uzbekistan)

Kireenko, Anna - director, Baikal Institute BRICS, Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Russia) [RSCI]

Maga, Anastasiya - lecturer, faculty of business and technology, Stamford International University (Thailand)

Matsievskiy, Nikolay - associate Professor of engineering entrepreneurship department of Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia) [RSCI]

Mazin, Alexander - Professor, Department of economic theory, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management-branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Nikolaeva, Yuliya - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Novruzov, Vakhid - Chairman, The chamber of auditors, Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan)

Orlova, Dinara - Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia) [RSCI]

Rudenko, Marina - head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Economic Security of Perm State National Research University (Russia) [RSCI]

Russkova, Elena - vice-rector, Institute of World Economy and Finance, Volgograd State University (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Vylkova, Elena - North-West institute of Management – Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]

Vysotskaya, Natalia - Professor of the «Economic theory and management» Department of the Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT) (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI], [ORCID]

Zhemerikina, Yuliya - Deputy head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Institute of innovative technologies in public administration of MIREA - Russian Technological University (Russia) [RSCI]

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