Shadow Economy

Peer-review quarterly economic journal published since 2017.


  • Burov, Vitaly - Head of the Department of economic theory and world economy, Director of the Higher school of Economics and entrepreneurship, Transbaikal State University (Russia) [WWW], [RSCI]


The SHADOW ECONOMY journal studies the economic and legal aspects of economic phenomena that go beyond state and industry regulation, including the issues of customs regulation, employment, and taxation. all areas of the Issues of the shadow economy penetrates into all spheres of economic life: production, exchange, distribution, consumption.

Special emphasis is placed on the structure of the shadow economy at the stage of production (the production boundary of goods and services) or at the stage of formation and distribution of income (General production boundary), and methodological foundations of the study of the phenomenon of the shadow economy. Special attention is focused on identifying the reasons for the existence of the shadow economy (natural, economic, political, legal and social) and the ways of overcoming this phenomenon.

The main content of the journal includes the results of research and analytical reviews. The journal publishes papers in various formats of interest to researchers in the thematic area of the journal.



  • quarterly, 4 issues per year 

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Volume 7, Nº 1 (2023)


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Methodological approaches to the assessment of informal and shadow employment
Zabelina O., Omelchenko I.
The research relevance is determined by the increased risk of informality and the growth of the potential of shadow employment in Russia and its regions during the post-pandemic recovery of the labor market, which creates new challenges to the state employment policy. The authors of the article examine the differences between the definitions of employment in the informal sector, informal and shadow employment as objects of state policy. A critical review of a number of methodological approaches to the assessment of informal employment through the comparison of income and expenses, gross value added, econometric approaches using official statistics or the results of opinion polls is presented. The authors' methodological approaches to assessing the potential of shadow employment and determining targets for reducing the number of citizens in shadow employment for Russian regions are proposed. The results of the authors' research can be used as part of the implementation of the policy of labor formalization and legalization of labor relations in Russia and its regions to develop targets in the form of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the efforts of interdepartmental structures to combat shadow employment.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):11-24
pages 11-24 views
Proposals on combating corruption in educational institutions of the Russian Federation
Unizhaev N.
The historical roots of corruption go back centuries. Some experts prove that it is invincible. However, even in this interpretation, it is possible to set the goal of reducing risks and minimizing damage associated with corruption. In this article, corruption is considered as a conflict of interests between individual employees of educational institutions and society. Society has always been looking for ways to protect itself from the use of official position for selfish, personal purposes. The complexity of this problem is compounded by poorly structured management systems of educational institutions, which do not allow the subsystem of control actions to lead to unified control algorithms. Proposals to optimize the management activities of educational institutions through digital transformation, the introduction of artificial intelligence systems and neural networks, the rotation of economists and the exclusion of heads of educational organizations from bodies controlling internal financial activities can minimize the risks associated with corruption. When analyzing the conflict of interests in educational organizations, general and specific characteristics affecting the process were identified. Such characteristics made it possible to define new requirements for the management system of an educational organization. In addition, the analysis revealed the specifics of management decentralization, which must be taken into account when forming proposals. The analysis showed that conflicts of interest in educational organizations cannot be stopped by legal and organizational measures. Thus, new methods based on the digital transformation of the management system of educational institutions are required. The article demonstrates the directions of implementation of end-to-end digital technologies that reduce corruption. Artificial intelligence, neural networks and blockchain can be identified as such technologies. Examples of the formalization of knowledge used in artificial intelligence systems have demonstrated the possibility of practical application.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):25-40
pages 25-40 views
Informal employment as an element of the economic threat to modern Russia
Kapitonova N., Bochkareva I.
This article considers the economic threats of modern Russia. The dynamics of unemployment indicators is analyzed. These indicators are as follows: number of economically active population, number of the employed, number of the unemployed and unemployment rate. They are presented as the reasons for the growth of unemployment in Russia. An assessment of informal employment for 2012-2021 was carried out according to the following indicators: the number of people employed in the informal sector and their share of the total number of employees. The number of people employed in the informal sector by gender, level of education and types of economic activity is considered. The study proposes measures necessary to reduce informal employment in Russia.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):41-54
pages 41-54 views
Drug trafficking as a sector of the shadow economy and a threat to the country's economic security
Smelova S., Totoev R.
The growth in the share of the shadow economy creates significant obstacles to effective state policy in the economic and social spheres, the competitiveness of goods and products of domestic enterprises and integration into the international economic space. The economic security of the state is a key component of the national security system and an important factor in ensuring national interests. The article studies the economic component of the drug business, the consequences of the existence of drugs and drug trafficking for the economic well-being of the countries. The question of the threat to economic security posed by the diversion of drugs, all or some of them, to the legal market is examined. The authors conclude that there are three main approaches regarding the impact of the drug business on economic security: positivist, negativist and eclectic ones.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):55-72
pages 55-72 views
The influence of national triggers on the formation and opposition to shadow economy institutions in Hungary in 1990-2022
Zakharyev Y.
The specifics of the economic course of the Hungarian government in the 1990s and early 2020s, taking into account the disapproval of a number of vectors of the policy of the European Union, are analyzed. The analysis of the specifics of shadow economy institutions in the state under the influence of the USA and the EU is given. For the first time, the role of national triggers is shown. National triggers are considered as the basis of the behavior of the society titular majority. They are also a basis for economic development and can be considered as the form of an object of manipulation by foreign countries in order to achieve actual political results. The errors of the collective West\'s cessation of national triggers in the case of Budapest within the framework of Hungary\'s membership in the EU and NATO have been pointed out. The author explains why the country is pursuing an independent policy, and Brussels and Washington have so few resources to put pressure on Budapest in the context of promoting the shadow economy and their interests in this vector of Eastern Europe.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):73-84
pages 73-84 views
Economy of Russia: commodity model of counteraction to global sanctions in the context of economic security
Konovalenko S., Trofimov M.
Modern approaches in economic theory orient us primarily to the fact that the steady pace of economic development is largely associated with an increase in production, primarily of goods with high value added, the need to diversify types of production, ensuring a favorable exchange rate of the national currency for maximum growth of export earnings, increasing the level of investment attractiveness and credit ranking of the country. All these aspects are included in the theory and tools of two main types of economic policy: monetary and fiscal ones.At the same time, in all economic studies, the problem of the raw materials orientation of the economy, low growth rates of foreign investment, a decrease in the availability of capital, dependence on high-tech goods and technology remain the main causes of an inefficient economic system and risk factors for ensuring economic security.The authors of the article attempted to answer the following questions. Is the current state of the Russian economy critically dangerous in the face of unprecedented pressure from Western states? Can the current situation in the state's economic system withstand the sanctions of unfriendly countries?The purpose of the scientific article was to conduct a thorough analysis of the current mechanism for ensuring Russia's economic security under the conditions of sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries, as well as the search for increasing the stability of the Russian economy in the modern geopolitical situation.The following research methods were used: logical and legal analysis, induction and deduction, system generalization and monographic (descriptive) method.It is concluded that any product, with the exception of raw materials and primary resources necessary for the production of most types of goods with significant value added, can be replaced. Thus, there is a steady global inelastic demand for the main raw materials from Russia. At the same time, the reduction in supply volumes leads to a sharp jump in prices on the global market and a significant increase in income for traditional exporters of Russia. In fact, in our country, the created model of linking the national currency to strategic raw materials is effective and viable in the face of sanctions.The authors assessed the current prospects for sustainable socio-economic development of the country under sanctions pressure of unfriendly states.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):85-104
pages 85-104 views
Shadow economy in the supply of utilities to the apartment building premises
Solomina Y.
Shadow economy in the supply of utilities to the apartment building premises is not spontaneous, hidden from the state. On the contrary, unlike other branches of the national economy, the shadow economy uses clear rules of activity in supply of municipal resources [1]. A distinctive feature of the shadow economy in the supply of utilities is the absence of a registered right to an attached network used by resource-supplying organizations to provide resources to the apartment building premises. The urgency of the issue is related to the high share of the shadow economy in the supply of utilities to the apartment building premises in the national economy. The fight against the shadow economy in the supply of utilities to the apartment building premises is one of the main strategic directions for stabilizing the economy and strengthening the sovereignty of the state.
Shadow Economy. 2023;7(1):105-123
pages 105-123 views

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