On the issue of sources and principles of legal regulation of competitive relations

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The purposes of this article is to analyze the legal relations that are developing in the field of legal regulation of competition and the practice of their application. The main emphasis in the work has given on the sources and principles of legal regulation of competitive relations. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal law of the Russian Federation «On protection of competition», analyzes a number of opinions of scientists in the field of research, as well as the provisions of other regulatory legal acts regulating competition relations. In addition to domestic legislation, the paper focuses on international legal regulation of competitive relations. In particular, it has concluded that due to unfair competition, the law of the country whose market is affected or may be affected applies. In this paper, the author considers the principles of legal regulation of competition to be ensuring freedom of competition, supporting existing competition in the field of competitive relations, preventing actions related to the abuse of freedom of competition, as well as integrity. Summing up, the article defines that the protection of competition is a priority for the legislator in the legal regulation of competitive relations, and state intervention in these relations is strictly limited.

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About the authors

Elena E. Amelina

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: eeamelina@fa.ru
senior lecturer of the Department of legal regulation of economic activity Moscow, Russian Federation


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