Legislative regulation criminal principles of equality citizens before the law and the guilt (problems and way solution)

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The purpose of writing research work. The issues of criminal-legal regulation of the criminal-legal principles of equality of citizens before the law and guilt are considered in this scientific article are of unconditional importance of theoretical and applied nature, and are very relevant. In the history of domestic legislation, criminal-legal principles were for the first time enshrined in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation in 1996. The legal principles are important in the following circumstances: they are an indicator on which the fundamental directions of criminal policy can be defined; i prevent the adoption of not fully socially conditioned criminal laws; promote correct understanding,, interpretation and application of criminal law; evidence of the coziness of the implementation of international standardin the form of universally recognized principles and norms of international law in national criminal law. The scientific study revealed some gaps in the legislative regulation of the criminal principles of equality of citizens before the law and guilt. As a purpose in the preparation of this scientific article, the drafting of legislative proposals to improve the criminal law, providing for the principle of equality of citizens before the law and guilt, as well as some other norms of criminal law, was defined as the purpose of the preparation of this scientific article. The following objectives contributed to this goal of the study: a comparative legal analysis of Russian criminal law and other related laws; the study of scientific papers; the analysis of law enforcement practices; the study of international legal documents in relation to the topic of the study. The findings of the study. Existing legislative regulation of the principles of equality of citizens before the law and guilt does not fully clearly and comprehensively disclose their contents, which necessitates its improvement. In this regard, some proposals of a legislative nature to amend Art. 4, 5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in other separate criminal-legal norms.

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About the authors

Paul R. Bazarov

Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Email: 907917977@mail.ru
Cand. Sci. (Law), researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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