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In spite of the fact that the figurehead as the element of a legal design (clause 173.1 CC RF) has appeared in the penal legislation for a long time, his/her legal status is insufficiently specified. Owing to it there is an opinion that despite the actual victim’s position from a crime he/she is not under the penal statute protection. As a result of the conducted analysis the authors of the article bring up a question about the criminally-legal protection of a legitimate interest in getting the objective and truthful information by the person involved in the financial and economic activity contrary to his/her will. As in the analyzed criminal-legal rule the potential of such protection is not provided for by the legislator, the authors make the offer about a criminalization of the act consisting both in the evasion from the message to the person to whom the information is provided and representation of obviously not complete or false information.

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About the authors

Andrey S. Burtsev

Law Institute of the Belgorod State National Research University

Email: burtsev@bsu.edu.ru
PhD in law, associate professor Department «Criminal law and procedure»

Ivan N. Arhiptsev

the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D.Putilin

Email: ArhiptsevIN@yandex.ru
PhD in law, the senior teacher, department «Criminally-legal disciplines»

Roman A. Lashchenko

the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D.Putilin

Email: ralbel@mail.ru
the senior teacher, department «Criminally-legal disciplines»


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