Information Wars as a Form of Confrontation and their Influence on the Formation of the Legal Consciousness of Society


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The presented article examines various aspects of the hostile informational impact on the formation of the legal consciousness of the population of the countries in relation to which such an impact is carried out. In the modern world, direct military confrontation between states, especially between those of them that have significant military potential, primarily nuclear weapons, for obvious reasons, loses its significance in resolving international conflicts. Various information operations are beginning to play an increasing role, which, thanks to the widespread dissemination of information networks, can have a negative impact on the legal consciousness of a significant part of society, which ultimately can destabilize the state of law and order in the state. The purpose of this study is to obtain new knowledge to minimize the risks of information threats to the national security of states. Some theoretical and legal aspects of hostile information operations used in the modern confrontation between different states, the totality of which is commonly called information war, are analyzed. The article discloses in sufficient detail the main forms, schemes, elements of hostile information operations of a modern type, demonstrates exactly what information attacks are and what exactly they are intended for; on the example of specific information operations, general lines and main strategies of conducting an information war against Russia are distinguished. The article examines the influence of various techniques used in the conduct of information warfare on the legal consciousness of the population in general and such a category as young citizens, in particular. The mechanism of the psychological impact of an information attack on the consciousness of an individual is considered, options for countering the harmful influence of information attacks in the context of an information war are proposed.

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Sobre autores

Irina Ignatieva

Russian State University of Justice (VSF FSBEI VO RPGUP)

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Department of General Theoretical and state legal disciplines Russian Federation

Irina Zedgenizova

Irkutsk National Research Technical University (FGBOU VO IRNITU)

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Digital Business Technologies Russian Federation

Elena Vlasova

Russian State University of Justice (VSF FSBEI VO RPGUP)

Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of General Theoretical and State Legal Disciplines Russian Federation


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