Correlation Legitimate Expectation with Certain Legal Principles


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The article analyzes some aspects of the doctrine of legitimate expectation, which has not received legislative confirmation in Russia, but already appears in the acts of higher courts as a manifestation of other legal principles. The author gives examples of the mention of legitimate expectation in the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, analyzes the relationship of the doctrine of legitimate expectation with estoppel, with the legal principles established in Russian legislation and domestic legal science. The author comes to the conclusion that estoppel, which appeared during the reform of civil legislation, already has sufficient knowledge and practice of application, in contrast to the doctrine of legitimate expectation, which could become an effective tool for protecting powerless subjects in public law relations. The author also brings up for discussion the question of the possible application of legal expectation in the context of not only legal certainty, but also the uniformity of judicial practice. It seems that the regulation and implementation of the principle of legitimate expectation will contribute to the best interaction between society and the state.

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Sobre autores

Yulia Kovaleva

Kuban State University

Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Gyulnaz Adygezalova

Kuban State University

Dr. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Krasnodar, Russian Federation


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