On the issue of interaction and cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States in combating terrorism related crimes: a theoretical aspect

  • Autores: Kolaev A.M.1
  • Afiliações:
    1. Bureau for the coordination of the fight against organized crime and other dangerous types of crimes in the territory of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (BCBOP)
  • Edição: Volume 16, Nº 2 (2020)
  • Páginas: 332-334
  • Seção: Articles
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/2541-8025/article/view/532700
  • ID: 532700


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Interaction in constructive directions has become widespread in modern international cooperation One of the fundamentally constructive directions of international cooperation is the solution of such a global problem of the present time as countering the threat of ensuring a stable world law and order - terrorism. The purpose of the study is to interpret the doctrinal-conceptual scientific presentation of the definition of «international cooperation». The article underlines that in the field of cooperation of all civil society institutions, the unresolved, incomplete doctrine of the organization of algorithms of interested structures in countering terrorist crime is shown. In the scientific literature there are various theoretical approaches with a debatable context of the concepts of «cooperation», «international cooperation». On this issue the author considers the positions of leading scientists: V.P. Salnikov, E.F. Yaskov, V.A. Lukashov, P.A. Oleinik, N.A. Kosolapov, et al. In addition, a number of international documents that regulate the obligation of state cooperation in countering the escalation of terrorism have been examined: Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States and other. In this regard, we made an attempt to reveal their meaningful characterization and formulate the author’s vision of these definitions. Considering that international cooperation is carried out, in the interests of the national security of each state, authorities at all levels should be based on relevant Agreements, Treaties using an appropriate combination of their means and methods. The author notes the legal and factual aspects of the interaction and cooperation of the CIS member states in countering terrorism. The legal aspect includes a system of the legal framework for cooperation in combating international crime of a terrorist nature, the development and harmonization of national legislation of states with the principles and norms of international law. The second aspect is an actual one. That is, directly, the joint activity of states, carried out on an equal basis.

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Artyom Kolaev

Bureau for the coordination of the fight against organized crime and other dangerous types of crimes in the territory of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (BCBOP)

Email: akolaev@mvd.gov.ru
inspector at large of the Bureau for the coordination of the fight against organized crime and other dangerous types of crimes in the territory of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (BCBOP) Russian Federation


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