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With the change of technological structures and stages of social development, the role of individual components of human capital in achieving the success of the functioning of both the organization and the individual employee changes. As the very nature of work becomes more and more intellectual, the intellectual component of human capital comes first. In this regard, new models of formation and evaluation are needed to determine the quality and value of the employee's intellectual capital, as well as recommendations on institutional support for human capital development to improve the efficiency of innovative activities of companies. The article sets and solves the following tasks: 1. The features of the new technological order, forming the needs for the development of intellectual capital of the employee, are studied; 2. The structure of human intellectual capital, including natural (genetically specified) and artificial (productive) parts, is proposed; 3. Models of estimation of quality of intellectual potential of the worker and cost estimation of its intellectual capital are developed; 4. The mechanism of formation and development of intellectual potential of the worker is offered, and also recommendations on institutional support of scientific shots are given. Materials and methods. The article uses normative-legal and statistical materials concerning the development of human capital in Russia. In their study, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization and comparison were used. To assess the human intellectual capital used modeling methods, cost approach to cost estimation, the method of construction of integral indicators. Results. The result of the study is a specific methodological tools to assess the level of development of intellectual potential and the cost of intellectual capital of the employee, as well as a set of recommendations aimed at the formation of scientific personnel that meet the needs of the sixth technological order. Summary. The proposed models and recommendations for the formation and evaluation of the intellectual capital of the employee should be introduced into the practice of Russian companies, primarily high-tech business in order to improve the efficiency of innovation and ensure a successful transition to a digital society.

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Sobre autores

Olga Loseva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of corporate finance and corporate management Moscow, Russian Federation


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