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The main goal of this work is to study the regulation of Islamic banks in the modern world, as well as the possibility of settling such banks in Russia. Based on the results of the work, the following conclusions were made: 1) It is necessary to regulate such banks in the Russian Federation. 2) Islamic banks are actively developing around the world, and this global trend must be taken into account. This can have a positive impact on society, since the Russian Federation is a multinational country, and the emergence of Islamic banks would allow people who practice Islam to use banking services. In addition, the emergence of Islamic banks will lead to the attraction of foreign investment in the Russian economy. The originality of this work lies in the fact that a large analysis of transactions that are most often concluded in Islamic banks was carried out, as well as options for the settlement of these banks in Russia were proposed.

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Sobre autores

Peter Sedov

Financial University under the Russian Federation Government



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