The Basic Basis for Ensuring the Social Security of the Region



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A task. The article reveals typical threats to the social security of the region in the context of the problems of the development of the pension system. The issues of ensuring the social security of the population remain relevant to this day. Economic instability and transformational changes in the economic life of the state and the population, in particular, create prerequisites for the development of new threats in the field of social security of the regions. The solution to the problem of ensuring the social security of the region, which is multicomponent, includes many components, and the question is their proportions and the level of influence on the quality of life of the population. One of the basic foundations for ensuring the social security of the region or a component of the presented problem is the activity of regional centers of pension funds. Model. A comprehensive diagnostic of the activities of the pension system in ensuring the social security of the region was carried out. Within the framework of this study of the impact of the activities of the pension system on ensuring the social security of the region, the economic component (sphere) of the social security of the region is considered. To reveal the nature of the relationship between the amount of paid pensions and the amount of savings, a correlation analysis was performed. Conclusions. A theoretical study of the influence of the activities of the pension system on ensuring the social security of the region has been carried out. The main stages of the study of the influence of the activities of the pension system on ensuring the social security of the region were considered. Scientific approaches to the formation of methods for assessing the impact of the activities of the pension system on ensuring the social security of the region have been studied. Practical value. The presented experimental model for identifying the relationship between the activities of pension fund institutions and ensuring social security makes it possible to identify the main problems of increasing threats to the social security of the region and update the tasks and goals of improving the quality of activities of pension payment centers and developing new forms of interaction with citizens based on digital platforms. Originality. A system of indicators is proposed to assess the level of ensuring the social security of the region using protective mechanisms. An algorithm for studying the impact of the activities of the pension system on ensuring the social security of the region is presented.

Sobre autores

Aksana Turgaeva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the economic security and risk management Department Moscow, Russian Federation

Nataliia Kochetkova

Astrakhan State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Elena Orlova

Astrakhan State Technical University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Department of economics and enterprise management Astrakhan, Russian Federation


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