Inheritance Fund as a Subject of Inheritance Law



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The article is devoted to the analysis of the novels of inheritance law about the inheritance fund. Considering the current norms on establishing an inheritance fund and, in particular, on the procedure for the formation of its property, the author comes to the conclusion that the relevant rules of civil legislation allow for an ambiguous interpretation, as a result of which the legal status of the inheritance fund as an heir is called into question. The problems of forming the system of organs of the inheritance fund and its liquidation are also analyzed. The article criticizes the decision of the legislator, according to which the system of organs of the inheritance fund is determined by the testator himself, and it is proposed to normalize the most important structural elements of the system of organs of the inheritance fund from the point of view of effective functioning, directly defining the possibility of creating several executive bodies in the inheritance fund, indicating the mode of their functioning, while supplementing the norms of inheritance law with dispositive provisions allowing the creation of other bodies at the discretion of the testator.




Roman Belyaev

Moscow Regional Court

Judge of the Moscow Regional Court Krasnogorsk, Russian Federation


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