Discussion Aspects of the Systematization of Crimes Encroaching on Competition in the Sphere of Economic Activity



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The purpose of the study is to obtain new scientific knowledge about the system of crimes that encroach on competition in the field of economic activity, the use of which will improve the effectiveness of their criminal-legal prevention. The subject of the analysis in the scientific article was the norms of criminal legislation providing for liability for smuggling, as well as for encroachments on the procurement of goods and services. The scientific article is aimed at identifying topical problems of systematization of crimes that infringe on competition in the field of economic activity. The study was carried out through a critical analysis of the criminal legislation that ensures the protection of economic competition, comparison and assessment of the points of view presented in the doctrine on the problems existing in this area of scientific knowledge. Results. According to the author, in the overwhelming number of scientific works devoted to the systematization of crimes that encroach on competition in the field of economic activity, the composition of smuggling, as well as crimes in the field of procurement of goods and services, are left without due attention. The smuggling of goods on the market puts economic participants in an unequal position, allowing the perpetrators to sharply reduce the costs associated with the payment of customs duties, which reduces their costs. This creates conditions for unfair price competition. Crimes in the procurement of goods and services lead to unjustified overpricing, ousting bona fide participants from the market. In turn, customers are deprived of the opportunity to purchase goods, works or services at the lowest possible cost. With these circumstances, the author argues for the need to include the acts provided for in Articles 200.1, 200.2, 200.4, 200.5, 200.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation into the circle of crimes that infringe on economic competition.




Zulfiya Dosova

Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: zulfyia_dosova87@mail.ru
Major of Justice, Adjunct Moscow, Russian Federation


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