Innovations in the legal regulation of teleworking



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The purpose of the research is to identify new approaches in the legal regulation of labor relations with teleworkers. In this article, the author analyzed the problems of the formation of legal regimes for remote work. The author paid attention to the possibility of transition: from a contractual mechanism for agreeing working conditions to a local normative mechanism. The author analyzed three types of changes in labor legislation: guarantees of labor rights, registration of labor relations and additional grounds for terminating an employment contract. Results. The author classifies the legal modes of teleworking depending on the agreement on the terms of the employment contract. In Russian legislation, there are three legal regimes for telecommuting: permanent-contractual, temporary-contractual and temporary. The author also states the breadth of discretion of the employer when determining the conditions for remote work through local regulations. Therefore, the procedural features of the registration of labor contracts with teleworkers reveal the need to conclude additional agreements with them. At the same time, the use of contracts does not relieve the employer of the obligations specified in the legislation.




Evgenia Sagitova

Russian State University of Justice, Kazan Branch

Lecturer of the Department of Civil Procedure Law Kazan, Russian Federation


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