Approaches to Assessing the Results of Interaction between Public Authorities and Business in the System of Social Protection of the Population



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Purpose of the study. The article examines the directions, forms and tools of interaction between public authorities and business. A method is proposed for assessing the results of interaction between public authorities and business in the system of social protection of the population on the basis of integrative indicators, to determine the directions for further improvement of these processes in terms of their impact on this system. Results. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the increasing participation of business in providing social protection measures should not lead to the fact that companies' social spending will be excessive, which will impede the development of their core activities. Therefore, at the sectoral level, a standard of social investment is needed in both external and internal social programs. This standard could formulate approximate norms of social indices by industry sector of companies.




Irina Chalenko

PJSC «Tatneft» named after V. D. Shashin

Leading expert (on medical and economic efficiency) of the Service for the Development and Maintenance of Medical Programs Moscow, Russian Federation


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