Monitoring the export of educational services of the state university



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The article discusses the problems and prospects of developing the export of educational services of a state university, presents the results of monitoring the state of the provision of educational services to foreign students, and reveals the impact of the export of educational services on the economy of the region. It is noted that an essential element of the university’s development strategy is the expansion of the university’s international relations in the world market of educational services, effective activity in the export of educational services to the countries of near and far abroad. The analysis of the demand for educational services from foreign applicants, especially those studying in English-language programs, is carried out, the main macro-regions to which the export of educational services is directed are identified. The influence of the export of educational services of the university on the development of the economy of the region is substantiated, which manifests itself in an increase in income from the development of the campus infrastructure of the university, an increase in the number of places in hostels, an increase in the quality of education and safe stay, the acquisition of goods and services offered by regional markets. The projected increase in university income from the export of educational services to 120 million rubles in 2020. The study revealed that the costs of foreign students during the current year will amount to 230 million rubles. Thus, the monitoring of the export of educational services indicates the effectiveness of the export of educational services.




Ramazan Ligidov

«Kabardino-Balkarian state university of H.M. Berbekov»

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the Department of Educational Policy Nalchik, Russian Federation

Alim Nagoyev

«Kabardino-Balkarian state university of H.M. Berbekov»

Dr. Sci. (Econ), Assoc. Prof., professor of department of management and marketing, Doctor of Economics Nalchik, Russian Federation

Tatiana Nalchadzhi

«Kabardino-Balkarian state university of H.M. Berbekov»

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing Nalchik, Russian Federation

Zinaida Sintsova

«Kabardino-Balkarian state university of H.M. Berbekov»

Assistant of the Department of Management and Marketing Nalchik, Russian Federation


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