Problems of legal protection for objects of design creativity on the Internet



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The article reveals the legal conditions of modern design solutions on the Internet. Such problems as the problem of protection of copyright and patent law on the Internet; the problem of international regulation of rights of objects of design creativity, taking into account their uncontrolled spread on the Internet; the problem of the practical scope of the law in terms of economic benefits from the existing gaps in the law in the field of protection of works of design creativity from plagiarism and use by legal entities without compensation to the authors are considered. The author proposes to introduce a new category of intellectual property rights for comprehensive protection of the results of intellectual activity with the most pronounced creative aspect.




Samira Jundubaeva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

postgraduate student Moscow, Russian Federation

Ekaterina Sviridova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof. Moscow, Russian Federation


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