Features of ensuring the security of participants in criminal proceedings at the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings



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. Purpose. This article analyzes the characteristic features of ensuring the safety of persons involved in criminal proceedings at the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings. Research in this direction helps to better understand and understand both positive and negative aspects of the use of criminal procedural tools aimed at creating the protection of participants in criminal proceedings. Methodology. In the study, the author used a set of General scientific and private scientific methods of cognition, which include the following: system method, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparative legal, formal legal, and others. Findings. As a result of the research, the author highlights significant features of ensuring the security of subjects of criminal proceedings at the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings, as well as some gaps in the criminal procedure legislation that reduce the level of protection of participants in criminal proceedings. These gaps can be eliminated by introducing the changes proposed by the author to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation. Originality / value. This article suggests improving Russian legislation. The new legal norms developed by the author can be applied by subjects of law implementation in the sphere of criminal proceedings to increase the level of security of its participants.




Azer Isayev

Saratov State Academy of Law

Email: dargo777@bk.ru
postgraduate student, Department of criminal process Saratov, Russian Federation


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