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Public procurement plays a significant role in ensuring the quality and safety of life of the population. Corruption in public procurement is a significant problem on a national scale, requiring a comprehensive solution and systematic prevention. The author sets the goal of identifying the main conditions for the formation of corruption in public procurement. The main requirements for the creation of corruption in public procurement are economical, moral and bureaucratic. Since law enforcement agencies cannot influence economic and bureaucratic conditions, it suggests focusing on moral. As practical recommendations, the author proposes to divide the functions and responsibilities of existing law enforcement agencies on anti-corruption issues; to inform the general public about the involvement of a particular organisation in corruption activities. A similar practice exists with reporting the market about the bankruptcy of organisations; informing about the organisation’s corruption activities will increase the transparency of economic relations and motivates the management of organisations to be responsible to the owners of the organisation and society.




Oleg Sinchurin

The All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

post-graduate student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology


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