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Volume 4, Nº 4 (2022)


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Zapariy V.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):11
pages 11 views


ed B.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):12
pages 12 views

The Reconceptualization of the Craft Workshop in the Context of Small and Medium-Sized Industries

Azarenko S., Keller A.


The reconceptualization of the craft workshop (SME) suggests a different positioning of craft practices and knowledge in the history of culture and industry. Peter the Great’s role was to build a bridge between the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century and the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century, and to combine scientific and practical knowledge, «sciences and arts». The structure of knowledge was the keynote of the time, from Peter and Leibniz to Lomonosov and the French encyclopedists. The authors conclude that the «sciences and arts» reforms were significant in their unity, which contributed to the combination of sciences and arts, and helped the latter to acquire a new quality. The two phenomena converged at the Academy of Arts and Sciences for something new to emerge from both, i.e. new science and new arts, at a higher technological and aesthetic level. After that, they diverged again to develop in their polysyllabic topologems at a higher level. The study employs the methods of social topology.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Discussions on the Financial Foundations of Local Authorities in the 1920s

Bakanov S., Krivoruchko V.


The article discusses the discussion on the formation of the financial foundations of local authorities in the 1920s. The source base of the work is based on transcripts of meetings of All-Russian Congresses of Soviets, the works of Soviet economists and jurists, as well as materials of Soviet legislation. The article presents the points of view of political figures, delegates of Congresses and representatives of the professional community on the issues of state-building, key principles, tasks, functions, mechanisms and methods that formed the basis of the Soviet budget system and the management system at the local level during the years of the NEP. The policy of industrialization launched in the USSR in the late 1920s led to the concentration of financial mechanisms in the hands of central state bodies, which put a limit to decentralization and financial independence of local authorities.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Interregional and Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Russia: Review

Bersenev V.


The focus of the article is a comparison of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the problems of inter-territorial economic interaction. The historiographic review in this case is combined with an analysis of individual nuances of the current state of objects and the subject of study (history review + status quo review by J. Noguchi). The focus is on research centers, which are considered primarily as scientific schools formed on the basis of research and educational institutions. It is established that inter-territorial interaction is carried out both within the framework of the “center-periphery” system and at the horizontal level, and can take the form of cooperation, competition and competitive coexistence (sotruentsia and sotkurentsia or coopetition and comperation). It is recognized that there are no grounds yet for a theoretical and methodological consensus on the basis of which it would be possible to subordinate various research programs to the achievement of certain common goals. However, subject to further refinement of the economic content of the category «territory», as well as taking into account the legal, political, historical, cultural and other aspects of interaction between regions and municipalities, it will be possible to increase the level of development of the strategic foundations of regional policy at all levels. Particular attention should be paid to inter-territorial competition as the least developed aspect of the problem.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):25-32
pages 25-32 views

The Malorossian Foreman before and after the Northern War: Maximovichs Family Portrait against the Background of the Epoch

Lukashova S.


This article is devoted to the study of the Maximovichs family, one of the most influential clans of the Malorossian foremen (starshina), who took part in all major political events of the early XVIII century. The Maksimovichs history reflected the social processes characteristic of the entire Cossack foreman of the XVIII century. The maximum rise of the family in 1680-1708 was associated with the reign of I. Mazepa, the fall of Mazepa predetermined the crisis of the Maximovichs. A significant part of the family spent several years of their life in Moscow in different status - suspects, convicts, hostages, soldiers and officers of the Russian army. Repressive measures and forced inculturation of family members led to the change of political orientations, ensuring the further prosperity of the family as a whole and its consistent entry into the political elite of the Russian Empire. It is necessary to emphasize the distinct distance between the state criminal fate and the attitude of the imperial authorities towards his closest relatives. The proven betrayal of one or more representatives of the senior family did not cause the collapse of the entire clan. The novelty of the approach consists in considering the fate of representatives of one of the starshina families against a broad historical background. For the first time, the problem of forced inculturation of representatives of oppositional Cossack foremen in Moscow was raised.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):33-37
pages 33-37 views

On the System of Watermarks Used at Various Factories of Goznak for the Manufacture of the First Paper Banknotes in the RSFSR in 1919-1922

Alyamkin A., Baranov A.


This article was written by two specialists in the field of bonistics and is devoted to a little-studied page of the national history and the history of the production of banknotes. Both authors were directly involved in the work on the catalog «State legal tender without restrictions» (Moscow 2019). This work was one of the foundations that determined the classification of the entire Extraordinary Period (1914-1923). The purpose of the article was to show a unified system of a wide variety of watermarks used by various Goznak factories in this period. When using it, it became possible to separate individual banknotes by printing factories. Results: The very first period of production and existence of banknotes of the young Soviet Republic is analyzed. All the factories that appeared and work in those difficult conditions are indicated, with a description of the various types of money paper with which they worked. This article will be useful to historians studying money circulation, the history of the production of banknotes, collectors, experts, museum workers, and anyone interested in the production of paper money.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):38-45
pages 38-45 views

Educational Level of the Population in 1970-1979 (On the Materials of the Sverdlovsk Region)

Kornilov G., Zharkov A.


The article is devoted to the study of the educational level of the population of Sverdlovsk region in the 1970s. The sources for its study were legislative acts reflecting the state policy in the field of education, and materials from the 1970 and 1979 censuses. The purpose of the article is to trace the change in the level of education of the population of the Sverdlovsk region from 1970 to 1979. The authors analyzed the population censuses data on the level of education of the population. Conclusions are drawn about a significant increase in the proportion of people with secondary general and special, as well as higher and incomplete higher education. Among the population of 10 years and over, more than half began to have an education not lower than incomplete secondary, and in the groups of 20-29 and 30-39 years old, the vast majority of them became such. The percentage of people with primary education has decreased among the general population and among young people, but has increased in the older age categories. Compared with the RSFSR, the proportion of persons with secondary general and special education, as well as with higher education, increased during the intercensal period. However, the indicators of higher and incomplete higher education still lagged significantly behind the national level.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):46-60
pages 46-60 views

Military and Patriotic Education of School Youth in the Ural Region during the Great Patriotic War

Speransky A.


The paper analyses forms and methods of military and patriotic education of students of secondary schools in the Ural region during the Great Patriotic War. The paper notes that the system of military and patriotic education, which worked effectively during the war years, was based on historical traditions of Russian patriotism, which throughout the centuries-old history of Russia ensured socio-political unity of society in the fight against numerous invaders. The paper shows that the work was aimed at improving military physical training, increasing the level of patriotic consciousness of school youth and attracting them to socially useful work. The paper gives a detailed description of the transformations that have occurred in the military training of schoolchildren, in their agitation and propaganda, labour and socio-patriotic activities. The paper also demonstrates innovative moments in the educational and methodological process caused by the influence of extreme conditions of war. As a result, the paper concludes that the military and patriotic education of the population was the most important core ensuring the military and political, ideological and labour unity of the Soviet society, which managed to defend the sovereignty and independence of its state. The general education school of the Urals has made a significant contribution to the process of attracting school youth to the sphere of socio-political and labour activities aimed at achieving the main goal - saving the Motherland and completely defeating the enemy. The historical experience of military and patriotic work, which ensured public unification during the Great Patriotic War, must be studied in every possible way and used to the maximum in solving modern problems related to the need to destroy the revived Nazism.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Department of History of Science and Technology Ural State University - UPI (1999-2017)

Zapariy V., Zaitseva E., Doroshenko V.


The article analyzes the experience of creation and development of the Department of History of Science and Technology at Ural Federal University. The article by the head of the Department of History of Science and Technology UGTU - UPI - UrFU Professor V.V. Zaparia and his colleagues from the department, docents V.A. Doroshenko and E.V. Zaytseva, analyze and summarize the almost 20-year history of the department. The article reveals the achievements of the department staff and its problematic moments, as well as considers the history and methods of teaching the main discipline of the department - the history of science and technology. The author describes the creation of methodological works in the form of textbooks, teaching aids and reading-books, multimedia courses. The authors not only summed up the results of the department, but also showed its place in the Russian school of historical research and analyzed the main directions of scientific work of the teaching staff.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):67-73
pages 67-73 views

Studying the 1938 Munich Treaty in Modern Russia: Observations by a Historiographer

Kamynin V.


The Munich Treaty of 1938 has been of great interest to both Russian and foreign scholarship since its conclusion and up to the present time. The interest of researchers to this scientific problem can be explained by the fact that it has not only historical, but also great political importance. The circumstances of the treaty and its place in world politics on the eve of World War II are the object of fierce ideological struggle. For more than 80 years of study of the Munich Treaty a vast amount of historical literature has been accumulated, which is periodically analyzed in the historiographical literature. The article is devoted to the analysis of the historiographical literature, devoted to the analysis of the study of the Munich treaty of 1938 in the Russian historical science. Modern historiographers distinguish two periods in the study of the problem: The Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The analysis of the historiographical literature shows that while the authors' opinions largely coincide in assessing the Soviet period, there are significant differences in the assessment of the contribution of historians to the study of the Munich Treaty in the years of «perestroika», as well as in the post-Soviet period. This applies not only to the assessment of individual works of Russian scholars, but also to the directions in the development of post-Soviet science and stages in its development. Since the historiographic tradition in the study of the Munich Treaty has not ceased until now, the article analyzes the peculiarities of the literature, which was published on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Munich Treaty.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):74-81
pages 74-81 views

Relations between Japan and the European Union in the Mirror of World and National Historiography

Karenin D.


The development of relations between Japan and Europe after the Second World War in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century has become the subject of numerous historic- political and economic studies. The subject in question is of interest for researchers from Japan and Europe as well as to scientific communities from various other countries. Obvious spikes of researchers’ activity occurred in the times of transformation of relations such as the shift to neoliberalism by the end of the 20th century, the formation of the European Union and the recent signing of the Economic Cooperation and Strategic Partnership agreements. Today researches of the matter at hand appear to be highly relevant. Japan and Western Europe have come a long way from trade wars and open standoff at international fora to successful economic cooperation and strategic partnership in relatively short time. Analyzing their experience will be useful for finding solutions to present day international crises. The present article presents the most relevant studies of relations between Japan and Western Europe in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The relevant publications are reviewed by the author in chronological order. This way the distinguishing features of researchers’ approaches to the subject in question in different time periods can be demonstrated more distinctly. The problematic-chronological method was used to carry out the research because it allows to trace the correlation between the topics of historical research papers and the stage of development of historical science. Additionally, the author made use of the periodization method.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):82-90
pages 82-90 views

Reforms of the Late 19th -Early 20th Centuries: Controversial Issues and Discussions in Modern Russian Historiography

Speransky P.


The paper analyzes the main controversial issues and discussions of modern Russian historiography concerning the reform process in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. The paper notes that over the past three decades Russian historical studies discusses a wide range of assessments of the course and consequences of the last modernization in the history of Russian Empire - both positive and negative. The paper shows that the study of the reforms during the late Imperial period led to the formation of two main approaches to their interpretation - pessimistic and optimistic. The paper concludes that it is necessary to continue studying these topics in order to conduct a more thorough analysis of the transformations of governments of S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):91-96
pages 91-96 views

Occupants or Allies: The Views of Modern Ukrainian Historians on the Intervention of the Central Powers in Ukraine in 1918

Smirnova Y., Starodubtsev A.


The author of the article examines views of modern Ukrainian historians on the problem of deployment of Austro-German forces on the territory of Ukraine in 1918. The paper shows a comparative analysis of the points of view of Ukrainian researchers on this problem, reveals the discussion in Ukrainian historiography regarding the use of the term «occupation» in the context of the policy of the Central Power Conclusions: the use of the term «occupation» is generally recognized among Ukrainian historians. Researchers consciously and argumentatively call the actions of the Austro-German troops occupation, and any attempts to abandon this interpretation cause resistance from the scientific community and reflects the attitude of Ukrainian historians to attempts to the absence of this term. The aim of the article is to analyze the existing views of Ukrainian historians on the problem of deployment of Austro-German forces on the territory of Ukraine in 1918. At the same time, Ukrainian historiography was able to come to a comprehensive understanding of the policy of Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1918, which combines both the idea of the Austro-German occupation and the idea of allied assistance from Germany and Austria-Hungary to the Ukrainian People's Republic in the fight against the Bolsheviks. It is revealed that both of these views not only do not contradict, but also complement each other. The special value of the works of R. Ya. Pirig and V. F. Soldatenko is noted. It is concluded that the synthesis of «occupation» and «allied» interpretations became the basis for the concept of «atypical occupation», which most accurately reflects the significance of the Austro-German intervention for the Ukrainian People's Republic.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):97-102
pages 97-102 views

Kulunigiy 5 Settlement: The History of Archaeological Research and New Discoveries

Vizgalov G., Frolov I., Nikulin M.


Kulunigiy 5 settlement is a multi-layered monument located in the Middle Ob region, near the village of Ugut in the Surgut district of KhMAO-Yugra. The uniqueness of the monument is due to the large number and high concentration of archaeological structures on a relatively small area. Archaeological structures within the boundaries of the territory of the settlement differ in shape, size and cultural and chronological belonging. The earliest cultural layers of the monument can be attributed to the Mesolithic era, and the latest - the Middle Ages. Objective: systematization of data on the history of the archaeological study of the settlement Kulunigiy 5 and introduction to a wide scientific circulation of the main results of the discoveries of 1996-2021. Research materials: Reporting and project documentation from the branch archive of the scientific and production association «Northern Archeology-1» of Nefteyuganskand the latest scientific publications on the research topic. Results and novelty of the research: The data on the history of the archaeological study of the Kulunigy 5 settlement and their main results for the period 1996-2021 are systematized and introduced into wide scientific circulation, prospects and main directions of archaeological research are outlined on the basis of data obtained during field work.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):103-112
pages 103-112 views

Postcard Portrait: Life and Fate Artists of the Imperial Mariinsky Ballet Theater Lydia Muromskaya (Chupyatova)

Lizunov P.


The article is dedicated to the ballet dancer L.N. Muromskaya (Chupyatova). After completing the course of the ballet department of the St. Petersburg Theater School in 1906, she was accepted into the ballet troupe of the corps de ballet of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater. She danced with such «stars» of Russian ballet as M.F. Kshesinskaya, A.P. Pavlova, T.P. Karsavina, A.Ya. Vaganova, V.F. Nezhinsky and others. In 1912, Muromskaya became the first dancer of the Mariinsky Theatre. There was only one step left before the title of ballerina, i.e., obtaining the highest rank in the hierarchy of Russian ballet theaters. She did not manage to go through this last segment of her creative path for many reasons. In 1920, at the age of 32, she committed suicide.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):113-121
pages 113-121 views

Book Review «Ryzhkov N.I. The Great Patriotic War: Lend-lease». Second edition. Augmented. Publishing House «Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta». M. 2020. 479 p

Zapariy V.


The article characterizes a new book by the famous Soviet and Russian politician and public figure N.I. Ryzhkov, who, based on a deep study of archival material previously inaccessible to the general scientific community, wrote a study devoted to one of the most important political, economic and military-strategic issues of Russian and international history, the issue of lend-lease and its role in the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Not only the characteristics of the structure of the book are given, but an analysis of all its sections is made, the social significance of this publication is indicated.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Review to the Military-Encyclopedic Dictionary of A. Harutyunyan «Armenians are Heroes of the Soviet Union, Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Heroes of Russia». Yerevan. 2020. 187 p

Zapariy V., Shunyakov D.


The review contains a description of an important aspect of Soviet (now Russian) and Armenian history, concerning the issues of awarding Armenians with high government awards of the USSR and modern Russia. Attention is drawn to the high percentage of awards among the peoples of the Soviet Union. Attention is drawn to the careful attitude to the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for the independence of their homeland.
History and Modern Perspectives. 2022;4(4):126-128
pages 126-128 views

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