Scientific Detective: or how England Counterfeited Russian Money with Someone Else's Hands



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The article is devoted to the historical events of the second half of the 19th century. The purpose of this article, in addition to the consecration of important historical events and our research, is to show the importance of studying money circulation. The system of monetary circulation is a clear marker of its time. Its changes reflect historical events conditionally from the «other side». And such a reaction often goes unnoticed for ordinary historians, and even more so for bonists. Special attention is paid to this only during the period of cataclysms, revolutions and upheavals, and even then, most often «in general», as an addition or argument. This article is direct and vivid, as through the history of monetary circulation, one can reach the most important general historical events of the global level, which could have remained a secret.




Andrey Alyamkin

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

Cand. Sci. (Hist.), applicant for the Department of History of Russia Moscow, Russian Federation

Alexander Kuznetsov

expert in bonistics Moscow, Russian Federation


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