Review on the Book «East European Collections of the MAE RAS». SPb.: MAE RAS, 2022. 356 р. (Collected Works of the MAE. Vol. LXIX)




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The review analyzes a collection of articles devoted to Eastern European collections from the collections of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera, St. Petersburg). In it the museum's staff reviewed the history of collecting, exhibiting and studying materials on the Russian North, central regions of Russia, the Volga region and Belarus, presenting to the readers interested in the study of traditional culture of the peoples of Eastern Europe the rich ethnographic heritage of the museum, mainly related to the 19th — early 21st centuries.




Elena Mokshina

National Research Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7069-6563
SPIN 代码: 1203-6264

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian History

俄罗斯联邦, Saransk


  1. Bernshtam T. A. Old believers and рeasant household рaintings in the North and the Volga Region: 18th–20th сenturies // Collection of the Department of Europe: Exhibition рrojects. Catalogs. Studies. (Collection of the MAE. Vol. LIV). — SPb.: MAE RAS, 2008. — Р. 144–202.
  2. East European Collections of the MAE RAS. — SPb.: MAE RAS, 2022. — 356 р. (Collected works of the MAE. Vol. LXIX).
  3. Mokshin N. F. Mordva through the eyes of foreign and Russian travelers. — Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 1993. — 240 р.
  4. Mokshin N. F., Mokshina E. N. P. S. Pallas and I. I. Lepekhin — researchers of Mordva ethnography (to the 250th anniversary of «physical» expeditions of the Academy of Sciences) // Social and Political Sciences. — 2018. — № 6. — Р. 113–117.
  5. Novikova V. V., Finchenko A. Е. New arrivals to the MAE from the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions // From the cultural heritage of Eastern Europe. (Collection of MAE. Vol. XLV). — SPb: MAE RAS, 1992. — Р. 92–110.
  6. Salmin A. K. The study of the Middle Volga region in the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. — SPb: Nestor-History, 2020. — 176 р.
  7. Stanyukovich T. V. Collection of the Museum of аnthropology and еthnography on the peoples of Europe and the European part of the USSR // From the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. (Collection of MAE, Vol. XXVIII). — L.: Nauka, 1972. — Р. 5–31.
  8. Sheleg V. A. The North-Russian carving and painting on wood: areas and ethnic traditions. — Arkhangelsk: Arkhangelsk сenter of the Russian geographical society, 2015. — 136 p.


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