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Vol 5, No 3 (2023)

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Russian Historiography in the Paradigmatic Dimension: The Search for Consensus

Trofimov A.V.


The purpose of the study. The article examines the situation in modern historical science in the context of epistemological variability inherent in key methodological paradigms (positivist, neo-Kantian, postmodern, post-postmodern).

Conclusions. The existence of various paradigms in the cognitive space represents both an advantage for researchers (freedom of choice of methodological tools), determines the existence of various discursive practices, and complicates the process of creating consensual historical knowledge, which could become a fundamental ideological basis for modern Russian society.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Institulization and Transformation Politeconomic Dogma in the USSR (1950s–mid 1970s): From the History of Scientific Thought

Balakin V.S.


The article examines the transformation of political economic dogmas, the evolution of Soviet political economy and the institutionalization of Soviet economic and mathematical research. Historical analysis of the transformation of political economic ideas was carried out on the basis of institutional theory. The main political economic dogmas were generalized and systematized — norms on the construction of socialism, on commodity production of a special kind, on the limited operation of the law of value under socialism, on planning as an objective law of socialism, on economic-mathematical methods as an anti-Marxist direction, on the need to «uproot petty-bourgeois theories» and confront Western science. New institutional ideas about the stages and content of the transition to a market economy are also analyzed. The role of economists in the institutionalization of the «theory of economic mechanism» and the institutional role of V.S. Nemchinov, Kantorovich, Novozhilov in the development of economic and mathematical calculations. The acute theoretical struggle within Soviet political economy is shown. The mechanism of party and state pressure on the staff of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute is revealed. The contradictions and difficulties in the development of the first government programs for the transition to a planned market economy are explored.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):19-29
pages 19-29 views

Theoretical Approaches to the Question of Defining the Concept of «Monument of Industrial Heritage» in the USSR

Lakhtionova E.S.


The article is devoted to identifying the difficulties that researchers face when studying the history of the preservation of the industrial heritage in the USSR. The difficulties are mainly due to the lack of clearly defined concepts of «industrial heritage» and «monument of industrial heritage» at that time. The purpose of the study is to find out under which categories of monuments objects related to industrial heritage fell, and how they were called in various fields of scientific and applied knowledge. The relevance of the topic is due to the discrepancies still existing in the formulation of terminology in relation to industrial heritage monuments. For the study, mainly published materials were used: legal documents, scientific research from different eras. The scientific novelty is determined by the absence at the moment of works analyzing analogues of the concept of «monument of industrial heritage», which were used to study and preserve these objects in the USSR. The author comes to the conclusion that the concept of «monument of industrial heritage» was clearly formulated only in the 2000s.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):30-36
pages 30-36 views


Practical Aspects of Factory Inspectorate Activities in the Voronezh and Kursk Provinces (1882–1905)

Smolenskaya O.A.


The aim of the study. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the analysis of the formation and functioning of the institute of factory inspectorate in the field of supervision of compliance with the established norms and rules of labour protection of minors and women, regulation of labor relations between employees and manufacturers will allow rethinking the history of the development of factory legislation in the Russian Empire and analyze the possibilities and disadvantages of state regulation of relations between workers and entrepreneurs.

Conclusions. As a result of the study of the practical activities of the factory inspectorate on the territory of the Voronezh and Kursk provinces, where mainly small factory enterprises with agricultural specialization were located, there was a general tendency to use the labour of minors and women in industrial enterprises, as a consequence of the cheapness of their labour and non-resistance. The author concludes that the activities of the factory inspectorate had an important impact on the implementation and practical useof the adopted legislative norms regulating the work of women and minors. Firstly, the number of violations of the rules on the work of minors and women recorded by the factory inspectorate decreased. Secondly, extensive statistical material was collected on industry and working conditions of workers, their gender and age composition, the number of women and children, their share in various industries, which was not unimportant for the further development of factory legislation in Russia in the second half of the XIX century.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Industrial Transformations on the Sverdlovsk Railway during the Great Patriotic War

Speransky A.V.


The paper analyzes changes in the production process of railway workers who worked during the Great Patriotic War on the Sverdlovsk Railway, which was operated from Sverdlovsk and connected the European part of the country with the Urals and Western Siberia. The paper shows an unprecedented rise in the labor activity of railway workers, manifested in the wide deployment of various competitive forms, rationalization movements and innovative initiatives that took shape both in the pre-war period and arose taking into account the peculiarities of wartime. The paper also draws attention to the development of railway infrastructure and improvement of the locomotive and wagon fleet of the Sverdlovsk Railway in accordance with the changing situation at the front and in the rear. The paper notes that the implemented technical and construction measures, manifested in the commissioning of new railway lines, stations, depots, stopping points and way posts, and transfer of individual sections to electric traction, successfully solved problem of increasing transportation plans determined by the needs of national economy completely transferred to military rails. The paper concludes that the experience of selfless and heroic labor of railway transport workers, which is an important component of the nationwide victory over Nazism, is more relevant today than ever. For its effective use in today’s conditions can and should contribute to the unity of modern Russian society in the fight against the revived «brown plague».

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):45-51
pages 45-51 views

City of Sverdlovsk in Decrees and Orders State Defense Committee

Motrevich V.P.


The article contains an analysis of several dozen declassified resolutions and orders of the State Defense Committee, dedicated to the city of Sverdlovsk and the enterprises and organizations located on its territory. On the basis of the materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the decisions of the State Defense Committee on the placement of the evacuated population, as well as enterprises, organizations and institutions in the city, are shown, the restructuring of the work of industry for the production of military products is shown. The paper shows that on the basis of the decisions made by the State Defense Committee, intensive industrial and housing construction was going on in the city, new enterprises were created and transport logistics improved. The decisions of the State Defense Committee on changing the range of military products manufactured at the largest enterprises of the city, providing them with labor force, and organizing mass housing construction of a simplified type for its workers are characterized.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):52-58
pages 52-58 views

Reform of the Soviet Armed Forces during the Khrushchev Thaw (1953–1964)

Shunyakov D.V., Zapariy V.V.


The experience of military reform of the Soviet Armed Forces during the years of N.S. Khrushchev at the head of the Soviet Union is analyzed. It is stated that a radical change in the geopolitical situation required the reorganization of the Armed Forces, which passed two stages of military construction. During the first stage, which took place in 1953–1959. The Soviet government took peaceful initiatives to reduce military-political escalation, formed a military-political bloc. The Warsaw Pact Organization, as a counterweight to NATO, saw a significant reduction in the number of armed forces, created nuclear parity with the United States. During the second stage (1960–1964), it was supposed to sharply reduce the number of armed forces and return to the police recruiting system that existed in the USSR in the 1930s. Due to the sharp aggravation of the international situation, these plans had to be abandoned, the usual means of armed struggle received a sharp impetus for development. N.S. Khrushchev's radical reforms were shown to antagonize the military leadership, leading to the latter's support for his resignation in October 1964.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):59-67
pages 59-67 views


Continuity in the Private Banikr Fire of Pre-revolutionary Russia

Lizunov P.V.


The article is devoted to the little-studied topic of continuity in the field of private banking in pre-revolutionary Russia. In the history of Russian banking, several dynasties of private bankers can be distinguished, such as the Wavelbergs, the Volkovs, the Gunzburgs, the Stieglitzes, and the Junkers. For two or three generations they owned large banking houses in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw and Paris. The family chronicles of the bankers Stieglitz, Feleizen and Wavelberg are taken as an example. The small number of banking dynasties is associated with the late emergence of private banking in Russia. The first banking offices appeared very late compared to Western Europe — at the end of the 18th — beginning of the 19th centuries. and lasted until 1917, approximately 120 years. Unfortunately, there is no data on how many banking houses there were in Russia during this time, presumably about a thousand. Some banking firms were inherited from father to son. However, few banking institutions were inherited in the third or fourth generations. Most banking houses, for various reasons, ceased their activities after the death of the founder or even during his lifetime. To conduct financial affairs, the necessary knowledge was required, and most importantly, abilities that the heirs did not always possess. Some of them preferred the life of a rentier or more prestigious and quiet official careers.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Results of the Development of the Soviet Optical-mechanical Industry Plants in the Beginning of the Second Five-Year Plan

Zapary V.V.


The article reveals the main trends in the development of the optical-mechanical industry of the USSR in the beginning of the Second Five-Year Plan, pays attention to the achievements and problems that took place in this sector of the national economy. By the end of the First Five-Year Plan, the Soviet optical-mechanical industry was completing the stage of its formation, received its organizational structure and formed a material and technical base. Its development occurred at an accelerated pace, in conditions of mobilization and command management methods. This led to deficiencies in technical planning, provision of raw materials, equipment and personnel. As a result, the products of the USSR’s optical-mechanical industry at the end of the First Five-Year Plan were inferior to similar foreign ones in terms of their cost and a number of performance qualities. The experience gained in the development of the industry allowed by the mid-1930s. avoid massive imports of optical instruments for civil and military purposes from abroad and created the basis for further improvement of optical technologies in the USSR.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):74-80
pages 74-80 views

The Development of Computer Technology in the First Half of the 1960s: Attempts to Overcome the Backlog

Bodrova E.V., Kalinov V.V.


The purpose of the publication. Based on the currently declassified archival documents, to investigate the actual problem associated with the development and implementation of measures for the development of computer technology in the first half of the 1960s, to analyze the assessments of leading specialists of that time and their recommendations.

The conclusion is formulated that the studied documents indicate the desire of the scientific elite, diplomats, representatives of industry and the defense complex to draw the attention of the country's leadership to the need to prioritize the development of computer technology, which has become a trigger for modernization, structural adjustment of the economy in leading countries. For greater persuasiveness, reports and letters often cited as an argument reports on the achievements of the main competitor — the United States, which had a significant impact on decision-making. A lot was achieved during the study period, but the pace was too slow, coordination could not be achieved, management miscalculations, disinterest of enterprises in innovations, predominance of departmental interests, weak connection between science and production, lack of interaction between the defense and civil sectors also affected.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):81-89
pages 81-89 views


The Medicalization of Social Law: The Nursery in the Bill for the Protection of Motherhood, Infancy and Childhood 1913–1916

Golikova S.V.


The author studies the legal provisions on nurseries in the bill «on the protection of motherhood, infancy and childhood», published in 1916. The document was developed by doctors. They understood the importance of nurseries in the fight against high infant mortality– an acute social problem in Russia in the end of the 19th century and in the beginning of 20th century. In the text of the document, for the first time, a definition of a children's institution is given, a mechanism for subsidizing nurseries by the state is developed, measures of state control over children's nurseries and the participation of physicians in these events are outlined. The nursery was to be attended only by infants, and these institutions were to function all year round, not just in the summer. The legitimation of nurseries in domestic law has become an important milestone in the development of social law in Russia.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):90-95
pages 90-95 views

«Big Sverdlovsk» in the Historical and Architectural Dimension of the 1920s — 1930s

Speransky A.V., Speransky P.A.


The paper analyzes the processes of urban planning and architectural shaping that took place in the administrative center of the Ural (since 1934 — Sverdlovsk) region, the city of Sverdlovsk in the 1920s — 1930s. The paper notes that the new architectural and spatial structure of one of the largest cities in the Urals, which arose during the implementation of the general plan «Big Sverdlovsk», was based mainly on the ideas of the architectural avant-garde, the main creative trend of which was constructivism. The paper also indicates that Sverdlovsk constructivism, which led to the creation of a large number of unique structures, was formed and developed under the influence of famous architects representing the avant-garde centers of Moscow, Leningrad and Tomsk, as well as the German Bauhaus school, which was considered the founder of this style. The paper draws attention to the fact that the practical implementation of the plan of architectural and urban development of Sverdlovsk led to the creation of a polycentric urban system within which, along with the reconstruction of the central core of the city, on the basis of large factories, surrounding industrial and residential areas («socialist cities»), regulated by systems of consumer services, transport and landscaping, arose. The paper concludes that these architectural and construction processes of the 1920s — 1930s, which took place in Sverdlovsk within the constructivist avant-garde, and then evolved towards decorative constructivism and neoclassicism, allowed the city to take a serious step in the development of urban planning, led to the creation of an architectural aura that formed its unique image.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):96-103
pages 96-103 views


The Lokarno Agreements of 1925 on the Pages of the Soviet Provincial Press

Denisov S.I.


The article is devoted to the study of the role of local print media as an important means of forming public opinion of Soviet citizens in the mid-1920s. The author traces the coverage in local newspapers of events related to the preparation of the Rhenish Guarantee Pact, the Locarno Conference and the ratification of the signed agreements. The subject of the study is the materials of local press publications of different regions of the USSR. They present various aspects of the stated topic. The author concludes that the regional newspapers of 1925 can be considered sufficiently informed and clearly stated the views of the country's leadership on the turn in international relations, which took place in the European political arena during the period in question. Local periodicals actively contributed to the formation of Soviet citizens by all possible means, both verbal and visual, ideas about the duplicity of the policy of Western countries on the preservation of peace and prevention of war.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):104-113
pages 104-113 views

International Processes in the Near and Middle East in the mid-1940s — mid-1960s in the Assessments of Contemporaries-Russian Emigrants

Antoshin A.V.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the perception by Russian emigrants of the international processes of the Cold War era in the Middle East. The author focuses on the situation in the region in the mid-1940s — mid-1960s, when the foundations of inter-bloc confrontation were being formed. The source base for the study was the materials of the Russian émigré press published in Paris, Frankfurt am Main, New York and other cities of the world. An analysis of historical sources makes it possible to single out two main groups of Russian emigrants from the Cold War era. Some representatives of the Russian emigration sympathized with the Soviet Union and supported its efforts in the international arena, including in the Near and Middle East. However, the most active were those emigrant publicists who belonged to the anti-communist camp. It has been proven that they blamed the Soviet Union for the escalation of tension in various regions of the world, negatively assessed those political regimes of the countries of the region that were oriented towards the USSR. The conclusion is substantiated that the Russian emigration did not ignore the factor of contradictions within the Western bloc in the Cold War, showing how they were embodied in the policies of the USA, Great Britain and France in the Middle East.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):114-119
pages 114-119 views

The South China Sea as a Clash of Interests between the United States and China: Escalation of Confrontation in 2009

Verisova A.D.


The Asia-Pacific region plays a significant role in the modern world. With the coming to the government of Barack Obama and his policy of «pivot to the East», the waters of the South China Sea became one of the central points of the conflict between Washington and Beijing. The purpose of the article is to consider by the author the escalation of the Sino-American confrontation in the South China Sea through the prism of the March incident between the American warship «Impeccable» and the Chinese ships. On March 9, 2009, a serious conflict broke out between the two countries in the water area of South China Sea. Opinions differ in both countries about what has led to the current situation in the South China Sea. Beijing considered the United States warship as a spy ship, while Washington insisted it was a research ship. Based on various sources in Chinese and English, the author analyzes the positions of the United States and China on the above problem. It is widely believed in China that it was America's strategy to reassert influence in the Asia-Pacific region and its direct intervention that escalated tensions and made the problem worse. U.S. accuses China of non-compliance with international law. It also should be noted that in Russian historiography the emergence of the confrontation between the United States and China in the waters of the South China Sea is very poorly covered. Studying the views of researchers and representatives of the diplomatic corps of the two countries, the author comes to the conclusion that the territorial dispute between Beijing and Washington occurred due to different interpretations of international law.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):120-125
pages 120-125 views


To the Question of the Transformation of Energy Production Cycles within the Framework of Fundamental Ideas about their Evolution on the Example of the Urals. Part 1. Gold Industry

Litovskiy V.V.


Based on the author's original historical and scientific approach to ranking energy production cycles and analyzing technological shifts in one of the basic branches of the Ural — the gold industry, the history, prospects and possible vectors of the industry development are investigated, taking into account new natural science concepts and modern worldview. The time lags of the technical and technological inertia of the Ural gold industry and its progress are studied in comparison with the evolution of the industry in Russia and in the World. It is shown that the classification of energy production cycles, created mainly in the second half of the twentieth century, is now not correct for the analysis of such a highly specialized industry as the gold industry even. It is not correct for the mining industry or metallurgy in general. In framework of the modern worldview noted, that not so much ore reserves as new technologies are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the industry, in which ideas about raw materials are changing. This significantly changes the status, as well as the historical perspective of mining territories, their potential in comparison with other territories for new industrialization.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):126-142
pages 126-142 views

Touches to the Intellectual Biography of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.N. Efimov: The Ural Start

Bersenev V.L., Sukhikh V.V.


Intellectual history is a special area of research that involves combining the history of ideas with an analysis of the external environment that led to the emergence, institutionalization and dissemination of certain views. The purpose of the article is to clarify certain nuances of the institutional design of academic economics in the Urals through the features of the early stages of the intellectual biography of the famous Soviet economist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Anatoly Nikolaevich Efimov. To achieve this goal, the study used not only the author's publications of A.N. Efimov himself, but also archival materials concentrated in funds No. 1 and 17 of the Department of Funds and Information Services of the Central Scientific Library of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Thus, the hypothesis about the conditionality of the appearance of relevant theories or concepts in the context of the life path of their authors is confirmed.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):143-151
pages 143-151 views

«You Studied Historical Books Telling about the Great Military Victories of the Hellenes and Romans Diligently…»: To the 130th Anniversary of Mikhail Jakovlevich Sjuzjumov and the 85th Anniversary of Vladimir Vasilievich Kuchma

Mokhov A.S., Kapsalykova K.R.


In 2023 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Soviet historian Mikhail Jakovlevich Sjuzjumov (1893–1982). The anniversary of the largest Russian Byzantinist of the twentieth century coincides with the 85th anniversary of the birth of his student, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Vasilievich Kuchma (1938–2011). Close attention has been paid to the scientific biography of M.Ja. Sjuzjumov in recent years. However, the question of his scientific interaction with students who left Sverdlovsk, but continued their research on Roman (Byzantine) history, is little studied. The article examines the scientific contacts of Professor Sjuzjumov with V.V. Kuchma after defending his candidate thesis and moving to Volgograd. The article for the first time publishes documents from the State Archive of the Sverdlovsk region and the Archive of the Ural Federal University, the most valuable of which are the letters of the Volgograd historian to his supervisor. The analysis of archival materials shows that V.V. Kuchma, who was engaged in the study of Roman (Byzantine) military affairs, relied on the M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’ theory of dialectical continuity. This was expressed in V.V. Kuchma’s doctoral thesis, as well as in his publication of Byzantine military treatises.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):152-160
pages 152-160 views


Investment Policy of Britain in Russia in the Late XIX — early XX Centuries in Anglo-American Historiography

Kamynin V.D., Bobrova I.V.


The article shows how the view of English-speaking scholars on the reasons for the influx of British investments into the Russian economy in the late 19th — early 20th centuries changed. It is concluded that the attitude to this issue has undergone a significant evolution. If in the first half of the 20th centuryhistorians and economists considered the influx of foreign capital to be the result of the conscious efforts of the central government and especially the finance ministers I. A. Vyshnegradsky and S. Y. Witte, then from the 1960s in connection with the growing popularity of the theory of modernization in the West, the understanding of the problem has become more complicated. Modern English-speaking scholars believe that in addition to the measures taken by the Russian government, there was a whole range of other internal and external factors that influenced the dynamics of foreign investment. Scientists point out that the model of British investment did not correspond to the economic development cycle of Russia. The influx of British capital was based on previous experience of exporting British products to the Russian market. British capital was «pushed out» of Britain by low domestic incomes and enticed abroad by the promise of high profits in less developed countries. The British government was interested in the economic development of the new resource-rich regions of the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Within the framework of the discussion on the role of British capital in Russian industry, the dispute between economists that erupted in the 1970s stands out. The dispute revolved around the impact of the introduction of the gold standard in Russia on the inflow of foreign investment.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):161-166
pages 161-166 views

Authors of School Textbooks of Russian History / History of the USSR: A Collective Portrait Against the Background of Historical Eras (1918–1950s)

Ogonovskaya I.S.


The author of the article explores the process of development of school history education in 1918-1950s, considering it through the prism of the publication of school textbooks of Russian history and the history of the USSR and the fate of the authors of these educational publications. Attention is drawn to the interest of researchers in the period of the 1930s. and a textbook on the history of the USSR for elementary school, edited by A.V. Shestakov and less studied educational literature published in 1918-1920s and 1940s-1950s. Four stages are identified and characterized, each of which had its own characteristics; the problem of educating a Marxist understanding of history through school history textbooks in these years has been updated; the historical concepts of the development of Russian history, born as a result of scientific discussions and the author's views of M.N. Pokrovsky and other scientists; analyzed the content of individual plots in school history textbooks; the relationship between power and historical science at certain stages of development is shown; conclusions are presented about the influence of historical eras on the historical fate of both history textbooks for the school and their authors.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):167-179
pages 167-179 views


Review on the Book «East European Collections of the MAE RAS». SPb.: MAE RAS, 2022. 356 р. (Collected Works of the MAE. Vol. LXIX)

Mokshina E.N.


The review analyzes a collection of articles devoted to Eastern European collections from the collections of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera, St. Petersburg). In it the museum's staff reviewed the history of collecting, exhibiting and studying materials on the Russian North, central regions of Russia, the Volga region and Belarus, presenting to the readers interested in the study of traditional culture of the peoples of Eastern Europe the rich ethnographic heritage of the museum, mainly related to the 19th — early 21st centuries.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):180-184
pages 180-184 views


Review to the Monograph of Professor S.S. Ilizarova Moscow Accent. G.F. Miller and Moscow of the 18th Century. — M.: Publishing House «Kuchkovo Field», 2021 — 496 p.: ill.

Zapariy V.V.


The review gives a description of the interesting and well-founded work of the famous researcher of Moscow and the history of science, Professor S.S. Ilizarov, dedicated to the study and disclosure of the role of one of the largest Russian historians and founders of archiving in our country, Academician Miller. The author of this well-made book not only describes well-known and little-known facts from Miller's life as a scientist, but conducts a detailed scientific analysis of his activities and draws a number of non-trivial conclusions about his contribution to historical science and those innovations that changed its face in Russia at that time.

History and Modern Perspectives. 2023;5(3):185-188
pages 185-188 views

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