State regulation of the economy during the global crisis: the impact of tax policy on import substitution program

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The research purpose was to analyze the impact of tax policy on the import substitution program within the framework of state regulation in Russia amidst the global crisis, which includes Western sanctions against the Russian economy. The current situation of domestic industries and the level of their dependence on the supply of imported products are considered. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in this dependence has been carried out, starting with the launch of the import substitution program by the state in 2014. In addition, an attempt to identify the reasons for the slow decline in the dependence of domestic industry on Western high-tech products on the example of tax regulation and stimulation of individual industries was made. The results obtained could have a positive impact on the further development of the import substitution policy and the entire domestic economy as a whole.

About the authors

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Golubtsova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Ekaterina Sergeevna Novikova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



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Copyright (c) 2023 Golubtsova E.V., Novikova E.S.

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