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Vol 6, No 1 (2023)

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The federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2023 and for the planning period of 2024-2025 in a partially mobilization economy

Karavaeva I.V., Kazantsev S.V., Lev M.Y., Kolomiets A.G., Bykovskaya Y.V., Shafranskaya A.M.


The article presents an analysis of the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2023 and for the planning period 2024-2025. The assessment of the main characteristics of the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2023 and for the planning period 2024-2025 is given. The main problematic aspects of monetary policy in the formation of the revenue side of the federal budget are considered in detail. The analysis of the structural components of the expenditure part of the federal budget is presented. Considerable attention is paid to the National Defense Section. The authors of the article substantiate the conclusion that the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2023 and for the Planning Period of 2024 and 2025", as well as in the Forecast of the Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation for the corresponding period, does not fully represent the ways to solve the problems of the partially mobilization economy.The mobilization economy is the main direction of the functioning of the domestic national economic complex at present and in the medium term.The authors put forward a proposal on the need for a consistent adjustment of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2023 and for the Planning Period of 2024 and 2025" in order to financially support the planned measures for the formation of the mobilization economy, detailing the relevant sections and expenditures that provide conditions for the transfer of the Russian economy to the priority solution of the tasks of accelerated development and financial support of the military and industrial complex, rapid development and social adaptation of the returned territories of the Russian Federation.FUNDING.The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):11-50
pages 11-50 views

National institutional projects as a tool for economic security

Kolomiets A.G.


Considering the current processes of institutional change, the author substantiates the theoretical significance of the study and the practical need for the formation and implementation of national institutional projects as a set of institutional innovations that create new institutions and a new quality of the institutional environment. In the context of the growing scale and destructive potential of new threats to the development of the economy and society, the priority criterion for evaluating institutional projects should be the tasks of ensuring the national economic security of the Russian Federation. Based on expert assessments of the near-term prospects for breakthrough achievements in the most important branches of scientific knowledge, the author concludes that it is necessary to advance the implementation of national institutional projects aimed at integrating the ecosystem of science and the ecosystem of the digital economy on institutional foundations that ensure the protection of personal information and personal identity from threats of manipulation and unauthorized use, the protection of intellectual property of innovators, as well as the organization of scientific exchange and RD financing, adequate to the features of the current stage of scientific and technological progress. A special task of such institutional projects is to counteract the deepening of the digital divide, which implies not only the expansion of digital technology by new contingents of users and the increase in the corresponding skills and competencies of users, but also equal access for all categories of the population, including those who do not have digital competencies, to the services of institutions and organizations of healthcare, education, culture, state and other necessary services.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):51-64
pages 51-64 views

Managing the economic theory of pricing factors as a basis for assessing socio-economic security in the mobilization and post-war economy

Lev M.Y.


The article examines the main directions of the development of the economic theory of pricing and price control as one of the most important conditions for ensuring economic security during the mobilization and post-war economy. The analysis of published works on the theory of price control in the aspect of socio-economic security by the famous American economist J. Galbraith is carried out.The economic indicators, including the dynamics of prices for certain groups of goods and services, characterizing the state and development of socio-economic security are studied. They are as follows: inflation, nominal and real wages, cost of living and human development indices.The author suggests to use an integrated and systematic approach when choosing pricing methods using the hedonistic method. This method will make it possible to more accurately carry out both planning and forecasting of a group of indicators for assessing socio-economic security amidst the mobilization and post-war economy. The assessment of socio-economic security should include a set of indicators and be based on ensuring economic growth while maintaining a decent standard of living, including decent wages, affordable quality food, education, healthcare, housing and communal services and acceptable energy tariffs.The results of the study may be in demand in the legislative and executive authorities in the formation of pricing policy amidst sanctions.FUNDING:The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):65-92
pages 65-92 views

Target-setting as an institutional imperative of public perception of new challenges to the economic security of the Russian Federation

Rabkin S.V.


Modern challenges and threats to economic security require the search for new mechanisms to guarantee the development of Russia as an independent state. However, the processes of blurring, historically determined values of our country's development that have been taking place for quite a long time cannot be overcome without a radical change in the attitude of society in realizing the importance and necessity of justifying target-setting in the development of strategic planning documents at all levels of managerial decision-making. In the context of modern institutional transformations of the world order, the study of information and cognitive factors influencing the formation of a model of public perception of new hybrid threats and challenges to economic security is very important. The continuity of the best traditions of the national economic school and the practices of public administration in critical periods for our country should determine the objectivity of the perception by modern Russian society of the processes of implementing strategic planning tasks and ensuring economic security. The formation of an institutional environment of public perception of these scientific research and practices results requires a certain scientific popularization and systematization of their study, including during the training of personnel under public administration programs. Based on the general principles of the methodology of institutional analysis, it is concluded that it is necessary to consider the problems of target-setting of regional development as the most important institutional basis for public perception of modern challenges to the federal structure and ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):93-110
pages 93-110 views

Expert assessment of the strategic goals of Russia's economic development until 2030

Amosov A.I.


The article defines the characteristics of the post-historical period in which Russia and other countries have entered. The author has tried to present a general picture of natural and social evolution in the light of modern scientific data. On this basis, an expert assessment of the strategic goals of Russia's economic development until 2030 is given. The elimination of threats to Russia's military security is currently compared with the experience of victory in World War II.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):111-128
pages 111-128 views

The relationship between social culture and demand for weapons

Lobanov V.I., Shigapov A.K.


The article examines the relationship between social society and demand for weapons. The classification of the mankind cultures on several grounds is given.On the basis of the Huntington civilizational zoning and the UN classification of macrogeographic regions, generalized cultural and civilizational formations are distinguished. The article analyzes the expenditures on armament of countries representing different cultural and civilizational formations, as well as the interaction of the main exporters and importers of weapons in different regions. The interrelation of the armed conflicts that have occurred in the last five years in the world and the value characteristics of cultures of various civilizational formations is considered. The conclusion about the arms market regarding its connection with cultural and civilizational formations is made. The study revealed an increased demand for weapons in countries with those cultures that are characterized by a focus on spirituality and religiosity. The role and place of Russia in the global arms trade are determined.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):129-152
pages 129-152 views

Supply chain resilience in the era of VUCA: risk management strategies

Drobot E.V.


Abstract. The article devoted to the study of supply chain resilience strategies in the era of VUCA, when all participants in supply chains face the risks which are so complex, diverse and sudden that it becomes more difficult than ever to predict and determine the probability of their materialization. The author analyzes supply chain resilience strategies in the era of VUCA, taking into account risk management. The author suggests interpreting modern supply chains as "global supply chains-VUCA". The author's interpretation of the supply chain resilience strategy in the era of VUCA is proposed. This strategy includes four components: supply chain agility for robustness, adaptability and resilience, re-alignment and translating the risk management experience gained in managing other supply chains. The article may be of interest to specialists in the field of logistics, supply chain management and risk management, as well as for anyone interested in the problems of the VUCA world.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The article was prepared in the framework of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "VII Senchagov Readings"; the priority topic of the conference: "Economic security of Russia: response to new challenges", Moscow: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, March 23–24, 2023.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):153-172
pages 153-172 views

Assessing the sustainability of a commercial bank in terms of economic and financial security

Lev M.Y., Medvedeva M.B., Leshchenko Y.G.


The article examines the sustainability of a commercial bank in terms of economic and financial security. The level of financial sustainability and security of a commercial bank is determined by the result of its financial and economic situation and the influence of internal and external factors. In turn, the analysis and assessment of the bank financial and economic situation are important elements in the management system of a commercial bank. The management process is a closed cycle aimed at fulfilling the following conditions: defining the goals and objectives of the activity, analyzing information and performance indicators, choosing options and decision-making, decision implementation and implementation monitoring.Internal and external factors affecting the commercial bank activities are identified. The methods of assessing the commercial bank financial sustainability in Russia and foreign banks are considered. According to the criteria of the CAMEL and Kromonov methods, the financial and economic situation of PJSC Sberbank was analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis and evaluation, the level of PJSC Sberbank's financial sustainability and security has been identified. In addition, according to data from accredited agencies Moody's, Fitch and ACRA, a comparative ranking analysis of PJSC Sberbank is presented. The analysis confirmed the stable long-term forecast for the bank.In conclusion, in order to maintain and ensure PJSC Sberbank's financial sustainability and security, organizational, technological and communication measures are proposed. This will make it possible to rationally manage the resources available to the bank for the effective development of profitable areas of the bank's activities.FUNDING.The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):173-200
pages 173-200 views

The impact of usury on Russia's technological sovereignty and economic security

Tsakaev A.K.


The article is devoted to the problem of strengthening usury in Russia and abroad in the 21st century. The history of origin and evolution of usurious interest is considered. The main basic conditions for the manifestation of usury in the credit sphere are disclosed. They are as follows: the accrual of compound interest and the establishment of an unreasonable norm for initiating bankruptcy proceedings (three-month accounts payable). Theoretical constructions and algorithms of localization of usury in the credit sphere, proposed by scientists of the last and current century, are given. The results of the analysis of the practice of limiting usurious loan interest in the laws of Hammurabi (Ancient Babylon), legal acts of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and up to modern states are presented. The influence of usury on the technological sovereignty and economic security of modern Russia is shown. The necessity of developing and implementing its own approach for modern Russia in building an effective mechanism for suppressing usury in the credit sphere of the mobilization economy is substantiated.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):201-214
pages 201-214 views

Forensic audit of shadow cash flow

Baturina E.V.


The subject of the study is the criminal component of the shadow economy, considered through the methodological tools of forensic audit. The conceptual apparatus of scientific research devoted to the problem of the shadow economy has been expanded.The concepts of shadow cash flow and an information and analytical system for monitoring shadow cash flow from the point of view of forensic audit have been introduced.The methodological potential of forensic audit is determined; the limits of competence are revealed. The problems solved by an expert economist in relation to the facts of economic life related to the shadow cash flow are particularized.A range of problems requiring solution at the level of interdisciplinary areas of economics and law to ensure the functioning of an information and analytical system for monitoring shadow cash flow is outlined.Based on the obtained summary data of shadow cash flow monitoring, qualitative parameters characterizing the shadow economy are identified. The method of expert assessments was applied.According to the degree of importance in solving national security tasks, the designated parameters are ranked. A methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of managerial decision-making, as well as the results of law enforcement activities in relation to the shadow cash flow is proposed.The theoretical significance of the study lies in the systematization of the forensic audit methods formulated in relation to the shadow cash flow. The practical significance of the study consists in the implementation of the results obtained in the activities of non-state forensic experts and economists to reveal the full picture regarding illegal economic benefits accompanying the formation and movement of shadow cash flow.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):215-232
pages 215-232 views

Organizational measures to prevent fraud at enterprises in the construction industry

Dronov R.V., Drozdov O.V., Shunaev A.M.


The article examines the organizational practices of enterprises that order construction and installation works, aimed at preventing fraud in relation to the property of the organization, both by third parties and employees of the organization. It is argued that the construction industry is particularly attractive to crime and corruption.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):233-244
pages 233-244 views

Sensitivity analysis of net discounted income for a variable initial investment approach in the stages of an investment project

Guzhev D.A.


Modern foreign and domestic regulatory methods do not involve sensitivity analysis of one of the most important dynamic performance indicators, net discounted income, at different stages of the life cycle of an investment project. The issues of sensitivity analysis of the indicator have also not been sufficiently worked out, including its definition at the stages of implementation of the life cycle of an investment project. In order to increase the financial security of investments, the author proposes a method for performing sensitivity analysis of the net discounted income indicator, taking into account a variable approach to determining the volume of initial investments at the defining stages of an investment project. The results of the study can be applied in the planning and implementation of investment projects in the form of capital investments, including for the establishment of financial security risks, in the implementation of investment projects implemented with state co-financing.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):245-262
pages 245-262 views

Mechanisms for ensuring economic security in budgetary and tax relations

Kurepina N.L., Zerkal E.E.


The article discusses the mechanisms for ensuring fiscal security from the standpoint of analyzing tax administration, control and supervision activities and the features of subjects of budgetary and tax relations. Modern approaches to the definition of fiscal security are systematized; and the constituent elements of economic security in the system of fiscal relations are determined.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):263-276
pages 263-276 views

State regulation of the economy during the global crisis: the impact of tax policy on import substitution program

Golubtsova E.V., Novikova E.S.


The research purpose was to analyze the impact of tax policy on the import substitution program within the framework of state regulation in Russia amidst the global crisis, which includes Western sanctions against the Russian economy. The current situation of domestic industries and the level of their dependence on the supply of imported products are considered. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in this dependence has been carried out, starting with the launch of the import substitution program by the state in 2014. In addition, an attempt to identify the reasons for the slow decline in the dependence of domestic industry on Western high-tech products on the example of tax regulation and stimulation of individual industries was made. The results obtained could have a positive impact on the further development of the import substitution policy and the entire domestic economy as a whole.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):277-290
pages 277-290 views

Security of the Volga Federal District regions in the economic and innovation aspect

Lapaev D.N.


The author of the article has set and solved the problem of a multi-criteria comparative analysis of the economic security of the Volga Federal District regions in the period before and after COVID-19 pandemic. The official statistical information of Rosstat for 2019-2021 is involved. Projections of economics and innovation are considered. The first projection includes the average per capita monetary income of the population, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets and the proportion of unprofitable organizations. The second projection operates with the unit costs of innovative activities of organizations, the specific weight of organizations engaged in technological innovations, the specific volume of innovative goods, works and services. When conducting interregional comparisons, the classical Pareto principle and the tools based on Pareto principle for constructing an effective set and lower ranks were used. According to the results of calculations, the differentiation of 14 regions in both projections in each year has been established. The number of ranks varies from four to five. In the projection of the economy, the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Kirov region is sustainable. In the projection of innovation, the Republics of Mordovia and Tatarstan and the Nizhny Novgorod region are the leaders. The Republic of Mari El is among the outsiders in the projection of the economy. In the projection of innovation, the Saratov region is the outsider. Tatarstan is steadily leading in the two-projection setting.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):291-314
pages 291-314 views

Identification of priority factors affecting the economic security of single-industry municipalities in the region

Sokolinskaya Y.M.


In modern conditions of the increasing role of regions and municipalities in the socio-economic development, there is a need to study the level of economic security of single-industry towns. For the Voronezh region the content of economic security of single-industry municipal entities is substantiated; and the necessity of its level analysis using quantitative and qualitative methods is determined.As part of the quantitative method application, individual indicators of the socio-economic situation of single-industry towns in the Voronezh region for 2018–2022 were studied. The application of qualitative research methods made it possible to identify factors of the internal environment (within a single-industry town) and the external environment (at the meso and macrolevel). This approach made it possible to prioritize their impact on the level of economic security of single-industry towns based on the pairwise comparison method, expert assessment and matrix reflection of the results. Each of these methods has its advantages and limitations. Therefore, it is more effective to apply them together with a variable connection of a specific method, depending on the problem of substantiating approaches and tools that allow determining ways to improve the economic security of single-industry towns in the region.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):315-332
pages 315-332 views

Assessment of the relationship between regional social security and investment and innovation development indicators

Saveleva N.K., Sozinova A.A., Saydakova V.A., Palesheva N.V., Bespyatyh A.V.


The subject of the study was to determine the level of interrelation of regional social security with indicators of investment and innovative development of the territory. The following hypothesis was put forward. The level of regional social security depends on the investment and innovative development of the territory. The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis. Following statistical methods were chosen as the main methods: correlation and regression analysis. Synthesis, generalization and comparative analysis were used in the study as well. The authors proposed a methodology for assessing regional social security and tested it on subjects of the Volga Federal District. There is no unified approach in the scientific literature both to the definition of social security and to its assessment. The authors selected indicators reflecting the investment and innovation development of the region. The interrelationships of the social security of the region with its innovative and investment development were revealed. According to the results of the study on the subjects of the Volga Federal District, the greatest correlation between regional social security and investment processes was noted.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):333-346
pages 333-346 views

Environmental safety at the current stage of development

Rudenko M.N., Subbotina Y.D.


In modern society, the status of security problems has changed, due to the impact of different levels of threats: global, regional and national, natural, man-made and increasingly environmental ones. Irresponsible and consumerist attitude to the environment puts the problems of ensuring environmental safety as paramount for public administration. Given the current environmental situation, the problem of environmental pollution should be given no less attention than the problems of economics, politics, etc. The consequences of man-made disasters, environmental pollution and irrational nature management lead to irreversible negative results. Directly or indirectly, this will affect the economic, social and other spheres of society. The article assesses the current state of environmental safety in the Russian Federation. Almost all the studied indicators either decrease slightly or remain unchanged during the study period. The amount of emissions of pollutants is growing in proportion to the development of industry. The authors put forward proposals to improve the environmental safety of Russia, which ultimately, through the impact on the environment, should have the effect of improving the quality of life.

Economic Security. 2023;6(1):347-366
pages 347-366 views

Food security amidst climate transformations

Brakk D.G.


The author studies food security amidst climatic transformations. The components of food security are analyzed. They are as follows: the food availability, access to food, food consumption and the stability of the food production system. These components define the essence of food security provision. Factors directly related to climate change affecting food security have been identified. The influence of climate change on food security is substantiated. The analysis of the growth rates of global emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, causing global warming, is carried out. Conclusions are drawn that it is necessary to actively implement best practices and technology around the world that will ensure food production that does not exacerbate climate change.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):367-384
pages 367-384 views

International cooperation as a factor of science and technology development in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation

Kachelin A.S.


The article examines the technological development of the oil and gas industry amidst an unprecedented sanctions regime by unfriendly countries. The importance of the oil and gas complex for technological re-equipment, in order to reduce dependence on foreign technology, was noted. Sanctions and the worldwide drop in prices for hydrocarbons in the short term did not have serious consequences for the oil and gas complex. In order to reduce dependence on technological equipment of unfriendly countries, international cooperation in the form of technological partnership is considered. It can be extremely useful.International cooperation can be based not only on the experience of partnerships in the development of new technology, but also on the experience of cooperation in the transfer and adaptation of existing technology. Despite the obvious importance of the oil and gas complex in providing the federal budget with foreign exchange earnings, the current situation is marked by several important negative factors that have a certain impact on its development. In conditions of global instability, large investments are needed in the development of modern Russian technological equipment at the level of the global average (2-8% of GDP) of highly developed countries. The main solutions of technological development in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation are proposed.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):385-412
pages 385-412 views

Production localization as a key mechanism of import substitution to ensure the company's economic security

Senkov V.A., Domnichev D.Y.


The problems of company's economic security in the context of the implementation of the state economic policy of production localization as the key basis of the mechanism for the implementation of import substitution at the strategic level in order to form a high-tech competitive industry, ensure the security of the state and employment and improve living standards are considered.The theoretical foundations of the industrial policy of the Russian Federation in order to implement the policy of import substitution are studied. The concept of production localization is defined. The proposed measures of state support are analyzed.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):413-428
pages 413-428 views

Ensuring economic security through information technology tools

Lapygin D.Y., Karaman K.S.


Currently, information as a socio-economic phenomenon has become more accessible to decision makers, but at the same time the requirement for its reliability has increased, which poses threats to both the process of making managerial decisions and the result of their implementation in terms of reducing economic security. Therefore, reducing uncertainty in the process of collecting and processing information has become one of the aspects of security in solving management tasks. One of the directions in solving such problems is the application of information technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the directions of solving the problems of economic security on the basis of modern information technology.The following research methods were used: retrospective analysis of scientific publications in the subject area of research, content analysis, methods of structuring and classification, as well as verbal modeling in the field of economic security of socio-economic systems based on information technology. Specific tasks of economic security can be solved on the basis of information technology. Ten positions among these tasks are highlighted.
Economic Security. 2023;6(1):429-442
pages 429-442 views

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