Security of the Volga Federal District regions in the economic and innovation aspect



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The author of the article has set and solved the problem of a multi-criteria comparative analysis of the economic security of the Volga Federal District regions in the period before and after COVID-19 pandemic. The official statistical information of Rosstat for 2019-2021 is involved. Projections of economics and innovation are considered. The first projection includes the average per capita monetary income of the population, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets and the proportion of unprofitable organizations. The second projection operates with the unit costs of innovative activities of organizations, the specific weight of organizations engaged in technological innovations, the specific volume of innovative goods, works and services. When conducting interregional comparisons, the classical Pareto principle and the tools based on Pareto principle for constructing an effective set and lower ranks were used. According to the results of calculations, the differentiation of 14 regions in both projections in each year has been established. The number of ranks varies from four to five. In the projection of the economy, the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Kirov region is sustainable. In the projection of innovation, the Republics of Mordovia and Tatarstan and the Nizhny Novgorod region are the leaders. The Republic of Mari El is among the outsiders in the projection of the economy. In the projection of innovation, the Saratov region is the outsider. Tatarstan is steadily leading in the two-projection setting.

Sobre autores

Dmitriy Lapaev

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev (NNSTU)



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