Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

The Mission of Siberian Journal of Science and Technology is to provide active development of scientific and technological activities in the field of aviation and space technology, engineering, management, computer engineering, computer science. All papers have open access.

The Journal aims and goals:

  • to publish the latest scientific achievements of Russian and foreign researchers in the field of aviation and spacecraft engineering, mechanic engineering, management, informatics, computer science, to spread information about cutting-edge researches in these fields;
  • to publicize contemporary issues and draw experts’ attention to modern issues of mechanic engineering, development of spacecraft engineering, control systems and informatics, technical processes and goods;
  • to exchange and discuss research experiments in order to generate sound scientific researches of scientists and researchers from the Russian Federation and other countries; to integrate into international educational and research and technology space;
  • to expand the geography of the authors and target audience, improve the quality of the published material, improve national and international scientific citation indexes and rankings;
  • to provide the authors of publications with quality editorial and publishing services, including services for peer review, as well as translation of abstracts and selected articles into English.

The journal is included in the list of HAC journals in the following scientific majors:

  • 1.2.2 Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ (технические науки);
  • 1.2.2 Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ (физико-математические науки);
  • 2.3.1 Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации  (технические науки);
  • 2.3.5 Математическое и программное обеспечение вычислительных систем, комплексов и компьютерных сетей
    (физико-математические науки);
  • 2.3.7 Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования (физико-математические науки);
  • 2.3.7 Компьютерное моделирование и автоматизация проектирования (технические науки);
  • 05.07.02 Engineering, Design and Manufacturing of Aircraft (Engineering);
  • 05.07.05 Thermal Electric Jet Engines and Power Facilities of Aircraft (Engineering);


Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal are subject to mandatory single-blind peer-review (the authors of the manuscript do not receive information about the reviewers).

  1. The term of peer-reviewing the article is not more than 4 months.

  2. Referee can be members of the editorial board of the journal, employees of Reshetnev University, as well as scientists from other universities and scientific organizations who are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials.

  3. The journal adopted the system of single blind (anonymous) review: referee knows the name of author, author does not know the name of referee. There are three or more referees for all articles in each issue. All contacts between an author and a referee are made through the editorial staff. The finished review is sent to the author by e-mail.

  4. Each referee has the right to refuse to review if there is a clear conflict of interest, reflected in the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials. Following the review of the manuscript, the referee makes recommendations on the article (each decision of the referee is justified): - the article is recommended for publication in this form; - the article is recommended for publication after corrections of the deficiencies noted by the referee; - the article needs additional review by another specialist; - the article can not be published in the journal.

  5. If the referee has comments, the article is returned to the author for correcting. After correcting comments, the author re-sent the article to the referee.

  6. In case if the authors refuse to correct the materials, they must notify the editorial office in writing or orally of their refusal to publish the article. If the authors do not return the corrected material after 3 months from the day the review was sent, even in the absence of information from the authors with refusal to correct the article, the editors remove it from the register. In such situations, the authors are sent a corresponding notice of the removal of the manuscript from the registration due to the expiration of the time allotted for correcting.

  7. The articles received a positive review will be considered at the next meeting of the editorial staff, where a list of articles for the next issue will be prepared. If the number of articles exceeds the stated volume of the journal, the articles, which were not included, will remain in the editorial portfolio until the next meeting. Editorial board meetings are held on the 20th of every second month of the quarter.

  8. In case of receiving a negative review, a motivated refusal is sent to the author. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned answer to the editors of the journal At the next meeting of the editorial board, a decision will be made either to send the article to another reviewer, or to reject it. The article rejected by the editorial board is not re-accepted. Materials (article and documents) are not returned to the author.

  9. The editorial board makes the final decision on the publication of the article with a positive review. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the chief editor

  10. Reviews and expert reports are kept in the journal’s editorial office for 5 years. The editorial office of the journal sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.


Publication Frequency

Periodicity: quarterly, 4 times a year (March, June, September, December).

After receiving a positive review, the articles are considered at the next meeting of the editorial board of the journal, where the next issue is formed. Articles not included remain in the editorial portfolio until the next meeting. The editorial board is held after the 20th day of each last month of the quarter. The chairman is the editor-in-chief, who has the right to vote.


Open Access Policy

"Siberian Aerospace Journal" is an open access journal. All articles are made freely available to readers immediatly upon publication.

Our open access policy is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition — it means that articles have free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.

For more information please read BOAI statement.

This journal's articles are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly.



The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

Also, the journal makes full-text archives on the Russian Science Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru/) and Cyberleninka platforms.


Author Self-Archiving

The author must confirm that the paper was not published or was not accepted for publication in another scientific journal, including in another language.

Articles previously posted by the author on personal or public websites not related to other publishing houses are allowed to be reviewed.



Siberian Journal of Science and Technology is indexed in the following systems:

Журнал  индексируется в реферативных и полнотекстовых базах данных, наукометрических и поисковых системах:

  • РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования)
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrich's Periodical Directory
  • Crossref
  • КиберЛенинка
  • SciUp


Publishing Ethics

Ethical principles of the parties involved in the publication process of Siberian Journal of Science and Technology, developed up to the standards of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Preparation of a paper for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific Journal includes close interaction between authors, referees, editors (members of the Editorial Board) and publisher. It is necessary that the ethical principles for all participants of the publishing process should be the same. In this regard, the Editorial Board of the journal “Scientific Journal of Science and Technology” establishes the following ethical principles.

For authors

  • Compliance of material with ethical and legal standards.
  • Clarity and precision of the results, absence of falsification and manipulation of data.
  • The originality of the presented material, absence of parallel or earlier of its publications, and plagiarism. The same is true for translations into a foreign language.
  • Responsibility for research results.
  • Transparency of funding sources and related conflicts of interest.
  • Preparation of materials in accordance with the journal’s requirements.

For referees

  • Competence and impartiality of peer review.
  • Objectivity and constructive approach to the material.
  • Peer review report in time for submission.
  • Confidentiality peer review.
  • No influence of the following factors on opinion of referees: origin, nationality, religion, political views of authors, commercial considerations.
  • Monitoring and control of conflict of interest.


  • Responsibility for the published materials.
  • Integrity and objectivity of decisions regardless of commercial considerations.
  • Ensuring effective peer review process.
  • Compliance with the editorial policy providing maximum transparency and accuracy of publications.
  • Monitoring cases of alleged misconduct in research and publishing its results.
  • Control of misconduct in reviewing and editing.
  • Informing reviewers and authors about all claims submitted to them.
  • Solution of editorial conflicts of interest.

For publisher

  • Establishing the journal’s effective policy that involves:
    • 1. independent reviewers;
    • 2. research ethics;
    • 3. authorship;
    • 4. transparency and honesty;
    • 5. complaints and appeals.
  • Compliance with the Code of Conduct for authors, referees and editors.
  • Monitoring and recall of articles.
  • Ensuring timely release of the journal.



Publication Fees

All articles are published free of charge! No any APC are mandatory for publication. The editorial office does not charge the authors for the preparation, publication, translation into English and printing materials.

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