Research of planar levermechanisms of special systems

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The article presents description of hardware and software system designed to study the kinematics and dynamics
of planar lever mechanisms, and providing for synthesis of Assur groups. The authors investigate the kinematic
parameters of the sensors are removed angular and linear movement with the subsequent transfer and processing
by computer. The complex allows to investigate the effect of the kinematic structure of the mechanism and design
of articulation joint on the kinematic and dynamic parameters of synthesized instruments, moreover, the complex allows
to test different types of joints and comparative trials used in the joints of anti-friction materials and lubricants, to test
the mechanisms of any structure to optimize the kinematic relations and tribological parameters on the criterion of
maximum efficiency of the mechanism.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kazantsev A.A., Eresko S.P., Eresko A.S., Shevtsov S.M., Kazantsev A.A., Eresko S.P., Eresko A.S., Shevcov S.M.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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