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This article presents the analysis results of heat exchange processes in the honeycomb panel and depicts the results of temperature modelling modes for intensive heat loading modes.

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Nowadays honeycomb panels (HP) are widely used in the design of spacecrafts. Honeycomb panels are characterized by high mechanical durability and very small density. They are used as spacecraft construction units. Electronics packages, assemblies, and heat pipes are placed on them. Normal functioning of electronics requires a special temperature mode corresponding to the external environment. The small density volume of the honeycomb panel construction leads to low heattransmitting properties of the panel. As a result it’s difficult to organize an effective heat rejection from electronics and to secure optimal thermal modes for them. The heterogeneous structure of a honeycomb panel makes the process of computations of the heat exchange and analysis of heat modes of electronics complicated. Different mathematical models are used for computing spacecraft temperature conditions. One of the most widespread approaches for spacecraft heat exchange process description is the use of heat-balance equations. Unsteady heat mathematical models for this approach had been considered in [1]. Research [2] contains a description of a mathematical model for thermal conditions of devices located on a honeycomb panel. This paper presents a mathematical model of the heat exchange in the honeycomb panel with heat pipes. The model is based on the numerical solution of unsteady heat conduction equations using a finite-difference space splitting scheme. The high efficiency of the methods permits to increase the level of detailing during temperature fields computations. The model is intended for computations of unsteady heat modes of electronics, optimization of the composition, and properties of the honeycomb panel, and also for the optimization of the quantity and arrangement of the heat pipes on the honeycomb panel.

About the authors

E. N. Vasilyev

Institute of Computational Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch

Russia, Krasnoyarsk

V. V. Derevyanko

Institute of Computational Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


  1. Unsteady thermal conditions of spacecrafts of satellite system / M. V. Kraev, O. V. Zagar, V. M. Kraev, K. F Golikovskaja ; SibSAU. Krasnoyarsk, 2004.
  2. Alekseev N. G., Zagar O. V., Kasjanov A. O. The system of maintenance of a thermal mode of the device with regulation of temperature in a narrow range // Reshetnev’s readings: Proc. of XI Intern. scientific conf. Krasnoyarsk, 2007. P. 213.
  3. Samarskij A. A. Theory of difference scheme. M. : Nauka, 1989.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Vasilyev E.N., Derevyanko V.V.

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