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At present Russian economy is undergoing the similar trends of the modern economic development to those taking place in developed countries, those are globalization, advanced development of the service industries, post-industrial society formation, intellectual component expansion in the outcomes of any industry, informatization of the society, exhaustion of traditional sources of social and economic growth. In such conditions search for new ways and factors of the regional self-development is critical.

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In recent years regions in Russia are becoming more independent. They are more responsible now for the results of their economic development. Their social and economic progress is determined by the objective factors (macroeconomic conditions, region’s position in the social division of labor, production structure, geographical location, natural resources) and subjective ones, which are in the first place methods of regional management. Economic reforms have shown that regions, using advanced methods of management are less influenced by crisis tendencies. Strategy of the state regional development is not uniform in different regions. This is caused by their significant differences in natural resources, economic Economics 224 structure and level of economic development. That is why this strategy sets general goals and objectives for a certain period of time and becomes a base for mutually balanced strategies of the region’s development design. These strategies are a set of measures aimed at implementation of long-term goals of the country’s social and economic development. At the same time it is important to take into account that rational contribution to solution of those problems is made by the regions.

About the authors

O. V. Patsuk

Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


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  2. Samofalova Е. V., Kuzbozhev E. N., Vertakova Y. V. State Regulation of the National Economy ; ed. by E. N. Kuzbozhev. М. : KNORUS, 2008.

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