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Some problems of identification in a wide sense are considered in the paper. Identification of intertia-free objects
and objects with mamory are investigated in condition of non-parametric a priory information. A case when a priory
information corresponds either non-parametric level simultaneously is researched. It belongs to the system of multiply
connected objects. Non-parametric models of some static and dynamic objects wuth delay are given.


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  5. Методы классической и современной теории автоматического управления : в 2 т. Т. 2. Статистическая динамика и идентификация систем автоматического управления / под ред. К. А. Пупкова, Н. Д. Егупова. М. : Изд. Моск. гос. техн. ун-та им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2004.

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