Automation of control of geometrical characteristics of worm and bevel gears by means of coordinate measuring

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The article contains the results of research on the automation of control of the geometric characteristics of gears. The use of coordinate measuring machines can significantly improve the productivity and accuracy of measurements. However, their use for testing gears requires the use of special programs for carrying out and processing the results of measurements of products with complex surface shapes. The use of software for metrological control of the geometric characteristics of worm and bevel gears makes it possible to achieve high accuracy of control and measurement work. To automate the control of geometric characteristics of worm and bevel gears, an additional module has been created for the standard program. With its help, all points of the measured curved surface of gears, obtained by contact method according to a standard measurement program, are structured into a single data array with a measurement protocol. Based on these data, the module generates a profile of the measured surface of a wheel tooth and builds a geometric contour of the profile of the measured tooth. The result of the module's operation is the formation of a general profile of the entire gear and its comparison with the original (theoretical) profile of the gear as a whole. The control process itself is carried out in a short time interval, which makes it possible to use the proposed approach to automating the control of gear profiles in small-scale production.

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Currently, all production processes must meet strict criteria and ensure the manufacturing of products of the required quality and dimensional accuracy. These requirements are especially relevant for the manufacturing of parts with a complex (curvilinear) shape, including worm and gear wheels. These parts have high production costs and labor intensity, and the requirements for the manufacturability of their design are high [1].

Errors in the manufacturing of gears lead to increased dynamic loads, vibration, noise in gearboxes and premature failure of mechanisms. GOST 1643–81 contains more than 20 accuracy parameters of cylindrical gears, divided into four accuracy standards: kinematic accuracy, smooth operation, tooth contact and side clearance. At the machining stage, the main problem, as a rule, is obtaining a tooth profile that corresponds to the declared degree of accuracy [2].

In the manufacturing of parts with curved surfaces, various technological processes are widely used, including processes for controlling geometric dimensions. In mass production conditions, manual operations for controlling the geometric parameters of curved surfaces do not meet the requirements for stability and reliability of measurements, as well as their performance. In this case, it is possible that random measurement errors caused by the human factor may occur. In this regard, at the modern level of industrial production, technological control processes using coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) are widely used. These control means are characterized by a high degree of versatility and small values ​​of passport errors. They can be used to solve a wide range of tasks - from part inspection to certification of technological equipment. However, passport data on CMM errors can be attributed to only a small number of the simplest measured geometric parameters, while the rest of the majority cannot be unambiguously characterized [3].

Modern CMMs, used to measure the coordinates of surface points of manufactured models (parts), are high-precision devices that provide six degrees of freedom when moving and orienting the measuring probe in space. Controlled by a computer or manually by an operator, they are equipped with developed libraries of programs for measuring products of various shapes and processing measurement results. First of all, they consist of standard geometric objects, such as flat curvilinear contours made up of segments of straight and conic sections, as well as spatial ones - planes, prisms, bodies of revolution, etc. Along with this, taking measurements and processing their results in relation to products with a complex surface shape are not sufficiently provided, especially when it is necessary to separately control specific controlled parameters [4]. In this regard, measuring the main parameters of gears and threaded parts on a CMM is a non-trivial task [5; 6].

The best solution today is to check gears and gear cutting tools on universal gear measuring centers (GCs). Such centers have the ability to directly measure not only the errors of the profile, direction, pitch and radial runout, but also the topology of the tooth surface, as well as the shape and location of the surfaces of the part itself. Gear measuring centers make it possible to measure all geometric parameters of a cylindrical gear ring according to the main domestic and international standards, which is necessary when setting up CNC machines in modern gear-processing production [7].

However, the use of gear measuring centers pays off only in conditions of large-scale and mass production of gears at specialized enterprises. For the manufacturing of products that include worm and bevel gears in small-scale production, it is preferable to use standard CMMs using special approaches to measurement processes [8].

Directions for automation of controlling geometric characteristics of gear wheels

The efficiency and reliability of coordinate measurement processes equally depends on both the technical and metrological characteristics of the basic CMM hardware and the functionality of specialized metrological software [9; 10].

The use of CMMs with various types of measuring heads and tips to control the geometric parameters of gears is advisable due to the fairly high accuracy. This technology makes it possible to determine and construct the involute and profile angle of an Archimedean worm with an error of 2–3 μm [11].

Controlling gear wheels with error recording can significantly increase the accuracy and objectivity of two-profile control of gear wheels, expand the information base for assessing the quality of gear wheels and carry out targeted selection of gear wheels with the required properties. Equipping the recording device of the measuring interaxial distance (MID) with additional programs allows for statistical processing of the measurement results of gear wheels and finding correlations between the MID parameters and such elemental errors of the gear wheel as the error in the direction of the tooth, the error in the angle of the original contour, the tooth thickness error, the tooth profile error [12].

The problem of combining all measurement results to construct a general gear profile is solved on the basis of a universal software module that allows automated control of the required parameters, regardless of the type of a CMM and the type of a gear [13].

The main recommendations for the development of such a module are given in the paper, which considers the methodological basis for constructing programs, mathematical dependencies, and an approximate diagram of the movements of the measuring element [14–16]. However, they are aimed at automating the measurement of involute spur gears.

Automation of controlling the geometric characteristics of worm and bevel gears using coordinate measuring machines is possible using standard software. When measuring on a CMM using this software, the tooth tip cone or root cone is automatically measured for adjustment (alignment). When entering the gear parameters (number of teeth, pressure angle at the gear pole, gear module, cone angles of the part, etc.), an exemplary flank surface is created from the gear parameters.

The next step in the controlling process is to create exemplary flank surfaces by topographic measurement. In this case, the pitch with the thickness of the tooth, lateral and profile lines is assessed. Next, the deviation of tolerances for the mutual arrangement of wheel surfaces (radial runout, deviation from alignment) is controlled. As a rule, one contact sensor is used for measurement, and the measurement itself is implemented without a rotary table. The result of the measurements is a set of data on the overall deviation of the tooth profile.

However, processing measurement results in this software product does not imply visualization of the geometric contour of the profile of the tooth being measured, as well as the construction of a general profile of the entire gear with its subsequent comparison with the original model. The purpose of this work was to create an additional module for this program to solve the problems described above.

Additional module to the standard program

To automate the control of geometric characteristics of worm and bevel gears, an additional module to the standard program was written. With its help, all points of the measured curved surface of gears, obtained by the contact method according to a standard measurement program, are structured into a single data array. In this case, a measurement protocol is automatically generated. The error of linear measurements in this case is 0.1 μm. A general profilogram of tooth profile deviation is determined (Fig. 1) and a profilogram of total and individual tooth profile deviations is formed (Fig. 2).


Рис. 1. Общая профилограмма отклонения профиля зуба

Fig. 1. General profilogram of tooth profile deviation


Рис. 2. Профилограмма суммарных и отдельных отклонений профиля зуба

Fig. 2. Profilogram of total and individual deviations of the tooth profile


The measurement protocol data is original. On the basis of these data, the developed module generates a profile of the measured tooth surface of a bevel (worm) wheel and builds a geometric contour of the profile of the measured tooth (Fig. 3). For this construction, functions for working with geometric variables and converting them into various data types are used. This allows not only generating an array of points describing spatial surfaces, but also performing various types of calculations with it. The results of these calculations are used both to construct a general (total) profile of the entire gear and to compare it with the original (theoretical) profile of the gear.


Рис. 3. Геометрический контур профиля измеряемого зуба конического колеса

Fig. 3. Geometric contour of the bevel gear tooth profile being measured


Next, on the basis of the obtained profiles of all the gear teeth, a general (total) profile of the entire gear is formed using a special module. The resulting profile is compared with the original (theoretical) gear profile.

On the basis of the measurement protocol and visualization of the profile of the measured surface, a conclusion is made about the compliance (deviation) of the controlled geometric dimensions of worm and bevel gears from those specified in the technical documentation, including tolerances for the relative position of the wheel surfaces.

The process of controlling the geometric characteristics of worm and bevel gears is carried out in a short time interval, which makes it possible to use the proposed approach to automating the control of gear profiles in small-scale production.


The proposed approach to automating the control of geometric characteristics of worm and bevel gears using the created additional module to standard software makes it possible to increase the productivity of this process and implement it on standard coordinate measuring machines. The formation of a single data array of all points of the measured curved surface of a worm or bevel wheel tooth with their subsequent integration into a common wheel profile allows one to quickly carry out the technological control process by comparing the measured profile with the theoretical one.

This approach ensures high accuracy (up to 0.1 μm) and speed of the gear control process (halving the time for the measurement process) in small-scale production.


About the authors

Maria V. Karabontseva

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate Student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Russian Federation, 31, Krasnoyarskii Rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037

Nadezhda V. Brizhinskaya

JSC “Krasmash”



Russian Federation, 29, Krasnoyarskii Rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037

Valery A. Levko

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology


Dr. Sc. (Technical), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Russian Federation, 31, Krasnoyarskii Rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. General profilogram of tooth profile deviation

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3. Fig. 2. Profilogram of total and individual deviations of the tooth profile

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4. Fig. 3. Geometric contour of the bevel gear tooth profile being measured

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Copyright (c) 2024 Karabontseva M.V., Brizhinskaya N.V., Levko V.A.

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