Том 20, № 3 (2019)


Бүкіл шығарылым


60 years on the spacelane JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev “Information Satellite Systems” in the service of the Russian State

Testoyedov N., Golovenkin E., Filyushin A., Khalimanovich V.
Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):297-310
pages 297-310 views

Section 1. Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

Differential evolution in the decision tree learning algorithm

Mitrofanov S., Semenkin E.


Decision trees (DT) belong to the most effective classification methods. The main advantage of decision trees is a simple and user-friendly interpretation of the results obtained. But despite its well-known advantages the method has some disadvantages as well. One of them is that DT training on high-dimensional data is very time-consuming. The paper considers the way to reduce the DT learning process duration without losses of classification accuracy. There are different algorithms of DT training; the main of them being ID3 and CART algorithms. The paper proposesa modification of DT learning algorithms by means of the information criterion optimization for some selected attribute. The use of this modification allows avoiding optimization by means of enumeration search over the entire data set. The Separation Measure method is used to select the attribute. The method selects the attribute whose class-based averages are most distant from each other. Optimization of the selected attribute is carried out using the method of differential evolution, which is one of the evolutionary modeling methods designed to solve problems of multidimensional optimization. Self-configuring at the population level based on the probabilities of using mutation operator’s variants was applied for differential evolution.

The classification problems were solved to compare standard DT learning algorithms with the modified ones. Algorithm efficiency refers to the percentage of correctly classified test sample objects. Statistical analysis based on Student's t-test was carried out to compare the efficiency of the algorithms.

The analysis showed that the use of the proposed modification of the DT learning algorithm makes it possible to significantly speed up the training process without losses in the classification effectiveness.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):312-319
pages 312-319 views

System analysis of dynamic problems of anisotropic plasticity theory

Senashov S., Savostyanova I., Cherepanova O.


Dynamic problems are the least studied area of plasticity theory. These problems arise in various fields of engineering and science, but the complexity of the original differential equations do not allow to develop accurate solutions and correctly solve numerical boundary value problems. This is even more typical of dynamic equations of anisotropic plasticity. Anisotropy reduces the group of symmetries allowed by the equations, and therefore narrows the number of invariant solutions. One-dimensional dynamic plasticity problems are well studied, but two-dimensional problems cause insurmountable mathematical difficulties due to the nonlinearity of the basic equations, even in the isotropic case. The study of the symmetries of the plasticity equations allowed us to find some exact solutions. The most known solution was found by B. D. Annin, who described the unsteady compression of a plastic layer made of isotropic material by rigid plates. Annin's solution is linear in two spatial variables, however, it includes arbitrary functions of time. Symmetries are also used in the proposed work. Point symmetries are first calculated for dynamic plasticity equations in the anisotropic case and are presented in the paper. The Lie algebra generated by the found symmetries appeared to be infinite-dimensional. This circumstance made it possible to apply the method of constructing new classes of non-stationary solutions. Symmetry can transform the exact solution of stationary dynamic equations in non-stationary solutions. The framed solutions include arbitrary functions and arbitrary constants. The outline of the article is as follows: according to the method of Lie   group of point symmetries allowed by the equations of anisotropic plasticity is calculated. Two classes of new stationary invariant solutions are framed. These stationary solutions, by means of transformations generated by point symmetries, are transformed into new non-stationary solutions. In conclusion, a new self-similar solution of unsteady equations of anisotropic plasticity is framed; Annin's solution is generalized for the anisotropic case. The framed solutions can be used to describe the compression of plastic material between rigid plates, as well as to test programs, designed to solve anisotropic plastic problems.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):320-326
pages 320-326 views

External boundaries of pole localization region formulation for transfer function with interval-given parameters

Tsavnin A., Efimov S., Zamyatin S.


In this paper the approach for external boundary of pole localization region formulation for transfer function with interval-given parameters is proposed. The boundary is formulated as analytic piecewise function of characteristic polynomial parameters of the given transfer function.

Analytic formulation of external boundary of poles localization region allows to reduce computations since existing methods require iterative numeric calculations of characteristic equation roots with fixed step size for edges mapping or full interval root locus mapping as well. Formulated boundary allows to clearly describe system behavior and calculate variation ranges of performance indexes. In addition, piecewise function that constrains gives new opportunities for parametric controller synthesis for systems introduced by transfer functions with interval-given parameters.

The results can find its practical application in aerospace engineering problems of mathematical analysis and synthesis for highly-precise systems of self-direction missiles.

In the research the boundary formulation is performed for third order transfer function. Transfer function order was chosen due to the fact that many physical systems and objects can be described mathematically with the third order transfer function, e.g. model of missile target-seeking head with gyro stabilized drive is described with this model.

The research was performed on the basis of the following step sequence: firstly, analytical solving of cubic equation applying Cardano’s formula; secondly, interval root locus edges functions obtaining, next external vertexes set obtaining and, finally, external border formulation and plotting.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):327-332
pages 327-332 views

Section 2. Aviation and Space Technology

Measurement of temperature distribution using a three-wire system of sensors based on thermistors

Derevyanko V., Makukha A.


Improving the reliability and increasing the avionics resource is associated with possibility of continuous control of temperature fields of printed circuit boards. This problem can be solved only with the use of a large number of temperature sensors. It raises the problem of connecting the measuring elements and recording equipment. Several methods with their own advantages and disadvantages are proposed.

One of the implemented and patented methods is using a set of resistive diode sensors installed in series on a three-wire line. The temperature sensors are pairs of counter - connected diodes with a sequential survey when applying sawtooth voltage. The system is simple and easy to implement, but its main drawback is the method of determining the temperature by measuring the amplitude of the total reverse currents of diode pairs. It determines the large measurement errors, especially in the temperature range less than 20°C.

The article deals with a similar design of a three-wire circuit, but with a fundamentally different approach to temperature measurement. The temperature sensor here is not diode pairs, but thermistors with a well-known dependence of resistance on temperature and high accuracy, and diode pairs record only the moment of coincidence of the sawtooth voltage with the voltage on the thermistors.

This approach allows using mathematical methods of signal processing to accurately determine the voltage drop on the thermistor, and this ensures the accuracy of the resistance/temperature and the expansion of the temperature range.

Given the fact that thermistors are increasingly used to measure temperature, simplifying their inclusion in a large number will allow to register the temperature field of electronic units, which is extremely important for spacecraft.

The proposed version of a three-wire circuit for connecting temperature sensors at several points was tested experimentally, including at negative temperatures.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):334-343
pages 334-343 views

Real-time carrier rocket mission control using space relay system

Makhalov D., Nikitina M., Usikov S., Manoilo A.


One of the purposes of the multifunctional space relay system “Luch” is telemetry provision for the timely control of launches from the “Vostochniy” spaceport. Launch vehicles and upper stage units have special high-speed and low-speed relay user equipment for telemetry relaying using the relay system “Luch”. This article is about special programs for processing such kind of telemetry at the Mission Control Centre (MCC) of the federal state unitary enterprise "Central Research Institute for Machine Building" (TsNIIMASH) for mission launch control. These programs are the part of telemetry processing software-hardware system of the MCC. Their purpose is real-time reception, processing and depicting results of processing telemetry data from high-speed and low-speed relay user equipment. This article contains description of the telemetry structure, transmission scheme and description of telemetry reception and processing approach based on the specific characteristics of such kind of telemetry. It contains information about tasks, solved by the MCC telemetry complex for giving timely, objective and correct information about a launch process as well. Created programs, processing algorithms and representation forms of the results of telemetry processing successfully provided missions control of the launches of the spacecraft “Kanopus-V-IK”, “Meteor-M”№2-1 in 2017, “Kanopus-V” №3, 4 in 2018. We propose to use developed programs for telemetry provision of the timely control of orbital mean insertion during the next launches from the “Vostochniy” spaceport.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):344-355
pages 344-355 views

Development of the propulsion construction and the trajectory of the spacecrafts for the study of Martian planetary system

Platov I., Simonov A., Vorobyev A., Gordienko E.


The article provides a brief description of the flight scheme of a prospective automatic spacecraft intended for the study of Mars and its satellites by remote and contact methods. At the near-Martian expedition site, it is planned to first bring the vehicle into orbit of the artificial satellite Deimos, and then landing on Phobos with the subsequent delivery of its soil to Earth. The main ballistic characteristics of the spacecraft flight conditions at all stages of the flight at launch after 2025 are given. The time frames for the five starting periods are considered - in 2026, 2028, 2030, 2033 and 2035. The launch of the spacecraft on the flight path to Mars is performed by a heavy class launcher. The article describes the design of the vehicle, propulsion systems of its modules and flight scheme at all stages – from launch from the Earth to landing on Phobos, and returning back to Earth.

The article describes the propulsion systems of the main spacecraft units proposed for the mission implementation – the propulsion module, the flight landing platform and the return vehicle. The designs of these units are provided in the work. Flight schemes have been developed in accordance with their characteristics, which allows conducting remote study of Deimos, making a soft landing on the surface of Phobos, and then delivering samples of its soil to Earth.

The project should be developed on the basis of the spacecraft launch from the Vostochny launch site by the Angara-A5 launch vehicle and the KVTK upper stage. An alternative variant of the construction of a spacecraft involves the use of a vehicle of a lighter class - perspective Soyuz-5 launch vehicle and Fregat-SBU upper stage. In this case, the engine module is excluded, and the flight and landing module is replaced by a heavier version with larger tanks.

Both proposed options for constructing a spacecraft make it possible to implement the developed trajectory, while ensuring full-time operation of the target equipment and conducting a set of experiments during a given period of active spacecraft existence.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):356-365
pages 356-365 views

Determining thermal resistance in the model of the liquid circuit of spacecraft thermal control system

Shevchenko Y., Kishkin A., Tanasienko F., Shilkin O., Popugayev M.


The main function of a thermal control system (TCS) is to maintain the temperature at nodal points of a spacecraft in given ranges due to redistribution of thermal energy and the discharge of excess thermal energy into space. TCS may have a different design and principle of operation. One of the most common options is TCS using a liquid circuit (LC) and pumping coolant circulation. In the development of promising design-layout schemes for instrument compartments of nonhermetic formation spacecraft, it becomes necessary to state and solve new problems associated with the creation of computational and mathematical models of intermediate convective heat transfer in a fluid circuit.

For systems of integral equations of a LC thermal model with fairly complex topographic boundaries and connections, the justification and use of the defining (equivalent) thermal resistance seems to be a compromise of counting implementation of a system that simulates a TCS with integration along the length of the LC.

In this paper, for the computational model of the liquid circuit of the thermal control system, including the system of equations of two-dimensional thermal balance of the characteristic surfaces of a nonhermetic formation spacecraft, a method of calculating the determining thermal resistances was proposed and implemented. This method includes the calculation of the complex heat transfer coefficient and the local heat transfer coefficient to the heat carrier flow. The approach considered in this paper allows us to obtain a numerical solution for the distribution of heat flows and temperatures of liquid circuits with complex topographic boundaries and connections with minimal loss of accuracy. The determination of the local heat transfer coefficient makes it possible to take into account the influence of changes in the temperature of the coolant flow on the overall picture of convective heat exchange.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):366-374
pages 366-374 views

Calculation of complex heat transfer in the liquid circuit of the spacecraft thermal control system based on real topology and thermophysical properties

Shevchenko Y., Kishkin A., Tanasienko F., Shilkin O., Sokolov S.


The thermal control system (TCS) is one of the most important systems, which largely determines the design of the spacecraft. At the present stage of development of methods and tools for spacecraft design, a promising direction is the creation of thermal mathematical models of the TCS, calculation algorithms, which allow to create effective design solutions at various design stages. The purpose of this work is to bring the system of equations of heat balances of the liquid circuit (LC) of TCS to a form that allows programmatic numerical integration in the solution search algorithm along the length of the middle line of the heat and mass exchange fluid circuit taking into account certain complex thermal resistances. In fact, this means that the terms of the temperature of the contour and the linear coordinate, the integration variable, should remain as variables in the equation record, everything else should be numerically determined from the properties of the real object.

For the boundary conditions of the LC TCS of the spacecraft, the coefficients of complex heat transfer were calculated taking into account the actual topology of the circuit and the thermal properties of the coolant. Using these values, the system of thermal balances of the spacecraft of the spacecraft on the characteristic surfaces of constant temperatures was reduced to a form that allows a numerical solution: the number of equations corresponds to the number of detected temperatures along the north and south panels and is closed through the temperature of the liquid circuit refrigerant. The resulting system of equations allows us to investigate the thermal state of nonhermetic formation spacecraft at the stage of preliminary design with varying operational and design parameters in order to determine the area of efficiency and the area of optimal operation under certain performance criteria.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):375-382
pages 375-382 views

Section 3. Technological Processes and Materials

The research of dependence between the input parameters of plasma spraying and microstructure of the obtained coatings

Balashov Y., Rudenko M., Volochaev M., Girn A.


Today, protective coatings are applied to almost all parts and components of engineering products in order to ensure high performance properties of machines, with the lowest economic cost. The method of plasma spraying allows to apply heat-resistant coatings on a different kind of basis, in addition to a wide variety of materials.  Therefore, rocket and space engineering is primarily  interested in the method.

In modern conditions of high rate of mechanical engineering development engineers must develop and put into operation products within the shortest possible period of  time. As a rule, engineers select the modes of plasma spraying using the method of selecting the empirical relationship between the properties of the coatings and the values of the specified parameters of plasma spraying, which suggests conducting a huge number of experiments. That is why we see the need to find new methods for selecting the plasma spraying parameters, which are based on mathematical and analytical apparatus.

We set the  task  to study and show the applicability and prospects of the proposed method.

In the work we carried out the operations  of spraying nichrome coating, at  different values of the arc current. We studied  the adhesive  strength of the coatings obtained and their microstructure. We showed the relationship between the arc current and the adhesion of the coatings using their microstructure. These studies have made it possible to exclude a large number of experiments, which usually establish an empirical relationship between the values of the input parameters of the deposition process and the values of the characteristics of the coatings obtained. In the future, we assume that the database of such relationships will make it possible to fully use this method in engineering industries.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):384-389
pages 384-389 views

Formation features of the central layers of the alloy Fe – 3 % Si (110)[hkl] rolling textures

Mishnev S., Shakhov V., Gotovko S., Padar V., Dementeva I.


The fields of solid-state physics, metallurgy, plastic deformation, mathematics and continuum mechanics are engaged in the studies of texturing of metals and alloys and their influence on the operational properties of products. As a rule, the most significant results are expected at the interface between these sciences.

The technologies of obtaining textured materials by metal forming processes occupy a special place in the metalworking sphere. This is due to promising directions in technologies for producing semi-finished and final products with improved structure-sensitive properties, by regulating the texturing, taking into account initial crystallographic orientation of the workpiece. The first issue to note is the formation of an ideal, one-component crystallographic texture in anisotropic metallic materials. The second issue is to obtain semi-finished and final products with more specific service properties: crystallographic texture with specific predetermined components. For instance, due to the crystallographic texture, it is possible to increase the resistance of metals and alloys against corrosion and hostile environment. Considering textured materials as composite, we must note that directionally oriented crystallites with crystallographic directions relative to the laboratory direction perform as reinforced elements. The initial texture in the processing plane is especially important. The materials, which possess unique structure-sensitive properties acquired through pressure treatment, are very promising for a widespread use in the sphere of aerospace technology.

Obviously, the properties and means of their achievement are diverse and require setting a specific task. Therefore, further research in this sphere is especially promising.

The article presents the research findings, considering the effect of initial crystallographic orientation and deformation modes on the rolling texture in the central layer of Fe – 3% Si (110)[hkl] single crystals. Several groups of single crystal samples underwent rolling under laboratory conditions. The groups of samples were classified according to the final deformation rate, the ideal crystallographic orientation of the rolling plane and deflections of the ideal orientation plane direction from the rolling direction. The methodology of the experiment took into account the compression rate value during one rolling. We analyzed the results of rolling, using the radiographic method. The next step was to superimpose the radiographic data on a stereographic projection and to construct straight pole figures. The results of straight pole figures decoding revealed differences in the texture formation from the previously obtained data. The research shows the manifestation of the one-component deformation texture in the central layer.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):390-397
pages 390-397 views

Approach to optimization of the magnetic circuit of a three-phase induction plant

Tyapin A., Kinev E., Bezhitskiy S.


The article describes an approach to optimization of the electromagnetic regimes of an induction metallurgical plant, designed to mix liquid aluminum under the influence of a running magnetic field. To improve the properties of the molten metal in the furnace, short pole linear magnetohydrodynamic machines with copper windings and a steel core are used. The open configuration of the magnetic circuit and the magnetic coupling between the windings of the inductor lead to asymmetry of the magnetic field. As a rule, a low-frequency transistor inverter is used in the power supply system of metallurgical machines intended to affect non-ferrous metals. Asymmetrical currents in the phases create specific modes of the frequency converter, close to emergency, and a two-phase, three-phase or multi-phase power supply system may become unbalanced. To calculate the integral magnetic fluxes in the toothed zone of an induction installation, it is convenient to apply a multiphase nonlinear model of a magnetic circuit. As a result of the iterative calculation, vector magnetic flux diagrams are obtained and the tractive forces in the melt are estimated. The best conditions for the impact on the melt are obtained with a given objective function when searching for options during optimization of the magnetizing forces of the windings.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2019;20(3):398-408
pages 398-408 views

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