Estimation of error bounds of identification of coordinates of electric power under remote diagnosis




The authors describe analytical method developed for estimation of errors of identification of coordinates of thermal images given points with remote study of technical condition of overhead power lines and consider a set of main errors of primary parameters measurements, and the algorithm for calculation of its impact on RMS error in determination of coordinates of thermal images given points. The parallel of errors obtained by analytical method with the results of estimations of the errors obtained with the method of statistical modeling is pursued.


Оценка погрешностей определения координат объектов электроэнергетики при дистанционной диагностике


A. Aleshechkin

Siberian federal university

Doctor of Science (Engineering), professor of the chair of radio-electronic systems of institute of engineering physics and radio electronics of the Siberian federal university. Graduated from Krasnoyarsk state technical university in 1994. Area of scientific interests - equipment and methods of secondary processing of signals of sea radio navigational systems, equipment of consumers of satellite radio navigational systems of GLONASS, GPS.

G. Makarenko

JSC «MRSK of Siberia»

chief specialist of JSC «MRSK of Siberia». Graduated from Krasnoyarsk state technical university in 2006. Area of scientific interests - use of the equipment of consumers of satellite radio navigational systems in power industry.


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