Indicatrix account of materials dispersion at the estimations of erosion-contaminating influence of streams of plasma thrusters on space craft




The approach of the estimation accuracy increase of the erosion-contaminative plasma influence of the stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) on the space craft structure elements by means of recordkeeping of indicatrix of materials dispersion is investigated in the report. The experiment on the dispersion indicatrix rating of one of the constructional material - Л1-ПМ ribbon is described in the article. The results of the comparative analyses of the radiator contamination predicted levels of the Thermal Control System (TCS) of the perspective unified «Express-1000» satellite platform with account and without account of the indicatrix of dispersion are presented in the report.


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版权所有 © Nadiradze A.B., Shaposhnikov V.V., Smirnov V.А., Maximov I.A., Kochura S.G., 2010

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