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One of the central effects of selective agonist of V2 receptors of vasopressin, 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), was studied in treatment of patients in residual stage of stroke. In patients in mature age and elderly neuropeptide increased the average linear velocity of blood flow in the middle cerebral artery, in basin of which has developed of a stroke. We revealed a normalized effect of vasopressin on cerebral circulation in post-stroke patients in combination with decreased neuropsychiatric disorders. These findings point to new features of vasopressin, enhance understanding of its functional role in humans and possible uses of the neuropeptide in neurological patients.

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About the authors

S G Belokoskova

Research Institute of the Experimental Medicine

St.-Petersburg, Russia

S G Tsikunov

Research Institute of the Experimental Medicine

St.-Petersburg, Russia


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