Interaction of neuronal and immune systems during stress

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The present work represents the review of literature resources concerning central mechanisms of neuroimmune interactions during stress as well as the results of experiments carried on by the authors. The mechanisms of development of stress-induced immune dysfunctions are being discussed.The afferent and efferent ways of neuro-immune interactions are being observed. The data of investigations of brain reactions, in particular hypothalamic structures, to administration of different antigens and their alteration by stress stimuli are demonstrated. The intensity of definite hypothalamic structures reactions to antigen injection after electric pain stimulation was shown to be decreased, their algorithm being changed and the quality of the changes depended on the nature of injected antigen (lipopolysaccharide or bovine serum albumin). Complex of cited data suggest that the revealed stress-induced alterations in brain reactions to antigen administration associated with the decrease in the quantity of splenic antibody-producing cells are significant for immunosupression development caused by electric pain stimulation.

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About the authors

Y V Gavrilov

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the RAMS, St. Petersburg

E A Korneva

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the RAMS, St. Petersburg


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