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Aim of the study: Comparative analysis of the structure of non-infectious pathology in descendants of Mayak female workers which had accumulated preconceptional external gamma exposure. Material and methods: A retrospective study was carried out on the basis of the children register of Ozersk city. The structure of somatic pathology of 650 children under 15 years old, 130 of which were children of Mayak female workers was analyzed. Nonparametric statistics methods were applied. Results: The range of external gamma-irradiation doses on the ovaries in mothers of the main group was 0.09-3523.7 mGy; the average absorbed dose on the ovaries was 423.2 mGy. The predominance of respiratory diseases,skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases with a high percentage of allergodermathoses, diseases of digestive syste m with frequent occurrence of gastroduodenal pathology and diseases of hepatobiliary syste m were noted in the structure of the somatic pathology in descendants of irradiated mothers. A high frequency of polymorbidities in the study group was noted. Significant differences with the control were not found. Conclusion: Expansion of children cohort and gathering of new data will allow drawing final conclusions about the contribution of parental exposure to the development of multifactorial diseases in offspring.

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About the authors

S F Sosnina

Southern Urals Biophysics Institute

P V Okatenko

Southern Urals Biophysics Institute


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