Theoretical background of concept of perfusion rehabilitation of donor organs

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The article dedicated to the main problem of transplantology which is deficit of acceptable donors'organs. The tendency of expanding the donor's pool should include policy of prevention and reduction the ischemia-reperfusion trauma of donor's organs. The crucial role of machine perfusion in pretransplantaion improving organs quality is highlighted. The large review of literature is listed in order to state several new approaches in modern preservation trend. The definition of organ preservation is given as well as new strategy in organ acceptance is grounded.

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About the authors

S F Bagnenko

I.I. Djanelidze State Research Institute for Emergency, St. Petersburg

M V Dubina

Center of Nanotechnology, Academical University Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg

O N Reznik

I.I. Djanelidze State Research Institute for Emergency, St. Petersburg


A V Lopota

Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg

A E Skvortsov

I.I. Djanelidze State Research Institute for Emergency, St. Petersburg

A O Reznik

I.I. Djanelidze State Research Institute for Emergency, St. Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2011 Bagnenko S.F., Dubina M.V., Reznik O.N., Lopota A.V., Skvortsov A.E., Reznik A.O.

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