Duration of actively obtained immune response from influenza

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In review the estimation is given of role of different influenza virus antigens in formation of restricted and broad spectrum of protection against influenza and the significance of different factors of immunity in complicated and uncomplicated influenza infection. Also it's examined the questions applied to appearance of expected pandemic of new influenza virus A/2009 (HIND and prognosis of severity of clinical course. The population of Earth is symbolically divided by anti-influenza immunity and susceptibility to annual influenza into three labile groups, which change and reciprocally increase with the lapse of time. Two groups are immune to homologous virus with short-time good protection from influenza and non immune to infected virus with high susceptibility to infection and third, the most numerous, is immune to related variants of epidemic virus with prolonged partial protection from seasonal influenza. The factors are discussed determining partial and prolonged actively obtained protection of adult population of Earth from seasonal influenza.

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